What's Karen Up To Calendar

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I'd waited a whole year for this event (I heard about it last year on Australia Day Jan 26) and surely I was not disappointed. The Tamworth Country Music Festival reminded me of Vegas. In Vegas, there were slot machines every where. While, in Tamworth, there was country music performers every where. The town itself is quite small, but the 30 minute walk down the main drag (Peel Street) filled your ears with country music that oozed out of cafes, restaurants, on the sidewalk and in the street itself. Oftentimes you'd be listening to three songs at once! Amazingly the great majority of the performances were quite professional (the buskers were competing as well). More amazing is the fact that even big acts like Kasey Chambers, Missy Higgins and Matt Scullion performed free to the public for their love of the music. 90% of the performances were free. It was so easy to see that all the performers loved their craft.
And I got to see my first award show! It wasn't quite the Oscars but very professionally done nonetheless. Surprisingly there were a couple of categories awarding for heritage content. I highly recommend Tamworth even for non-country fans. Its an interesting experience even if you can't quite always understand the folks with the country accent. We were approached a number of times with inquiries about our Tamworth experience and recommended performances to attend. A kind man even gave me a seat during the free Kasey Chambers concert in the park because he thought I looked uncomfortable sitting on the grass!
To quote my new favorite country artist: "It's a big world. It's a small world. It’s a weird, wild, wide-open, wonderful world!"

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

We were instructed to dress up late 80s/early 90s style. Apparently that meant bright bold colors with big patterns of flowers and leggings (!) -- I think that's my mom's current style of dress! I tried to recall if I had succumbed to that fashion trend and realized those were the days I spent eating jelly sandwiches for lunch most of the time to save money, so probably not (YEAH!). Well, it was one of the most grueling days in my life and the silliest and most pink I've ever dressed up EVER. I couldn't find a bright shirt with big patterns of flowers, but found a bright pink shirt with big patterns of circles. Looking at it again, I believe Ikea has a bed sheet set with the same design. Wouldn't that make an interesting shot...
The shooting day started painfully at 7am an hour away from home. We were given a bountiful breakfast then ushered into a hall where the actual shooting took place. The first time we were seated we were delighted to have been assigned seats in the middle next to the aisle of the 'extras' audience. The second time we were seated, we were assigned seats in the back corner of the audience block. We were so disappointed. The guy who sat next to me was loud and acted out during the applause scenes so hopefully our area was captured.
In any case, as the day progressed, the heat and boredom escalated. We had to remain a lively audience even for the 10th take of the same scene. I almost went bananas. Then Toni Collette and Gemma Ward showed up for their acting tidbits. Interestingly, although their only parts in the movie for the day was simply to sit and watch the play before us, they only appeared a few seconds before shooting. Their body doubles subbed in otherwise.
I'm not sure if I would be willing to deal with another 'extra' day. Imagine the tediousness of the ENTIRE filming processs! I highly commend everyone in this industry especially those still striving to make their mark in it!
So, keep your eye out for a girl in a pink shirt with big circles at the back left corner of the audience scene of : The Black Balloon.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Had a dinner conversation last week about improving memory through the act of mindfulness. Per Wikipedia, mindfulness is the practice whereby a person is intentionally aware of his or her thoughts and actions in the present moment, non-judgementally. Interesting concept, I thought. So I decided to try it. Believe it or not, attempting to focus on normal day-to-day activities was extremely difficult. I found my mind just migrating to random thoughts every time I tried to concentrate. Defeated, I continued on with my regular activities.
Well, in the search of a New South Wales, Lonely Planet guidebook for my upcoming trip to Tamworth for the Tamworth Country Music Festival, I encountered "Beginning Mindfulness" by Andres Weiss. It's a ten-week program. The first week involves being conscious of your breath for the first five minutes of waking. After the 5 minutes and before getting up, make a smile. The reverse on the way to sleep. Cute concept, yeah? So far, I've "been on the program" for 2 days. I still can't recall the 4 words Bob had us memorize last week... maybe tomorrow.
What's this funky picture on today's post? Phil has me babysitting one of his prints while he travels the world for 2 years. Happy travels and don't forget to pick up your print from Alice Springs when you return! Phil is selling his prints for $200AU. Here's more.
... boy would I like an iphone.

Monday, January 22, 2007

It has just occurred to me that I landed Jan 22nd, 2006... exactly one year ago. I've been sans family and NYC in Sydney for exactly one year. When I think about it, I feel a bit guilty because I can't say I miss NYC that much as I don't feel like I've been gone that long. Google is to thank partially. Google Talk has kept me up-to-date with many people. Interestingly, I've even met new people on Google Talk. (hi, kachungster!) Additionally, the many wonderful people I've met here in Oz has kept me quite occupied on a daily basis. I wonder sometimes where and what I would be doing if I didn't decide to come to Sydney.
By starting from scratch, 2006 was a huge year for me. I'm a bit wiser (despite my aging brain), a bit more versitile in the kitchen (since I try not to eat out too much) and a bit more anal about cleanliness (possibly due to the focus against contamination in nursing class). I can't say for sure if I'd be the same person if I stayed in NYC. At this one year anniversary, I'd like to give thanks to all the contributing factors that has brought me to Sydney -- September 11th, not getting the job at Raytheon Antarctica, all the epidemics and natural disasters of the last 5 years and everyone who has supported me ... even all the people who thought I was out of my mind.
I can't even imagine what I would be writing as an RN on this blog next year! What an exhilarating thought!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

(NZ pics are on the way...)
I've never really been serious about New Year resolutions when I made them, let alone commit myself to accomplishing things for the year (things just seem to come up!). I have been mulling over a number of things since the new year started and have decided on the below. They are posted by my door so I will be conscious of them everyday and be inspired to fulfill them! I realize I needed to make them specific in order for them to be accomplished. What's on your list?
- RUN a marathon
- EAT more healthy. (I've decided meat consumption will be the exception- to be consumed on a night out if desired. I will not purchase meat to cook for dinner. Apples will be my munchie of choice -- until I get sick of it and move onto another fruit. Raw veggies will be the standard meal preference. I call this the Paddy's diet. Paddy's Market is the local cheap Chinese market open Thursday-Sundays. Think third world crowded haggling market!)
- EXERCISE three times a week (hopefully Hip Hop on Tuesdays!)
- DO stretches (esp neck stretches -- they've been tight lately) every morning
- GET the Swedish Massage certificate (so my friends will love me :) )
- BE able to play the Entertainer on the harmonica (Thanks Bob for the xmas present!)
- MEET my neighbors
- BE more active in my community and go to at least one council meeting
- DO a Chinese podcast lesson twice a week (I should! I paid for it!)
- TAKE a basic German class
- TAKE a basic swimming class
- SING in the Sydney Opera House (via the mass choir for the Christmas Messiah performances)
- READ a book every two months (well, I got all this other stuff going on!)
Jan 2007 -- Virus Hunters of the CDC, Joseph McCormick & Susan Fisher-Hoch (almost done)
Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff
Feb/Mar -- Stop Kiss, Diana Son (thanks, Lisa)
Whitethorn - Bryce Courtenay (thanks, Brian)
Apr/May -- Losing My Virginity, Richard Branson
June/July -- Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts
Aug/Sept -- Mutant Message Down Under, Marlo Morgan
Oct/Nov -- The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Morris
Dec -- ???
Most of these books are books I bought in India for $2, were mailed to me or were partially read in my past. Any recommendations for December?
- and finally, ACCEPT others as they are and not try to force my views on them nor blast them on my blog

What does everything think about my new stats counter? ... Hello? Anyone? :P

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Zealand
12/15 F sydney -> CHC -> christchurch (south island)
12/16 S christchurch -> Akaroa -> kaikoura
12/17 S kaikoura -> grasmere -> arthur's pass
12/18 M arthur's pass -> hokatika -> franz josef
12/19 T franz josef -> haast
12/20 W haast -> jackson bay -> haast -> wanaka -> queenstown
12/21 T queenstown -> routeburn track
12/22 F routburn track
12/23 S routeburn track -> milford
12/24 S milford -> te anau
12/25 M te anau -> ZQN -> AKL -> auckland (north island)
12/26 T auckland -> waiheke -> auckland
12/27 W auckland -> waitomo -> otorohanga -> taupo
12/28 T taupo -> tongariro crossing -> taupo -> waikite valley
12/29 F waikite valley -> waiotapu -> buried village -> rotorua
12/30 S rotorua -> whakatane -> ohope beach -> opotiki -> opope
12/31 S opope -> waihau -> raukokore -> whakatane -> mt mangaunui
01/01 M mt maunganui -> Whangarei
01/02 T Whangarei -> Cape Reinga
01/03 W Whangarei -> Auckland
01/04 R Auckland
01/05 F Auckland -> Whangamomona -> Stratford -> New Plymouth
01/06 S New Plymouth -> Wellington
01/07 S Wellington -> Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu -> Porangahau
01/08 M Porangahau -> Auckland -> Sydney

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Death has always been difficult for me to deal with. Although she wasn't family by virtue of blood, the fact that I'd watched her grow up from day #2 (or #3?) created a special bond somehow I bet all the Cheesers can relate to. The suddenness of it and the young preciousness of the beautiful life continues to send my head spinning. I know I will never be able to comprehend the extreme grief and pain that has overcome the family. I wish I was not so far away so I could give my friends a good hug to squeeze the sadness away... just to be there to do something ... anything so they have some sort of relief.

In all sincerity, everyone please be careful, stay safe and take care of yourself.
Someone excrutiatingly and painfully loves you out there.
Truly my deepest sympathies and love... xoxoxo

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