Tuesday, September 27, 2005

(My route today: Assateague Island, MD -> Jersey City, NJ)
Day #68: With all my effort, I spent todays drive only thinking about my Australian future. It's difficult to leave something you were extremely fond of behind. I just hope others have the chance to experience what I did during their lifetime.
Let the games begin!
Pics at:
Monday, September 26, 2005

(My route today: Durham, NC -> Assateague Island, MD)
Day #67: It's my last full day travelling. I will have to make a beeline for home tomorrow. The country music has infultrated my system and made me want to be a country song writer today as I sat on the Assateague Island beach initially just trying to clear out my thoughts and not be depressed. I hope someone in this universe doesn't laugh at me for posting this up! (BTW, Christina, Mike, Robin, Dave, writing this was what you saw me doing on the beach that evening!)
Once upon a lifetime
I had heard the crashing Atlantic
It called for me to abandon the now
And to lead the life fantastic.
Once upon a lifetime
I had taken my first real breath
It was the crisp cool Rockies air
I inhaled to my lungs content.
Once upon a lifetime
In Crater Lake I saw the color blue
Nature gave my eyes vision
My new life gives you gratitude.
Once upon a lifetime
I was touched by the constellations
Coyingly I winked back at the stars
I had just a mere infatuation.
Once upon a lifetime
I wished all could come and feast
to realize life is succulent
and live a little at least!
Pics at:
Sunday, September 25, 2005

(My route today: Cape Hatteras, NC -> Kitty Hawk, NC -> Durham, NC)
Day #66: It's my last chaperoned day. How appropriate it is to have Rudy be my last pitstop. As a volunteer fireman and EMT, he has reaffirmed my desire to pursue a nursing career. Seeds of EMT and firewomen initiation in Sydney also take root in my head. I have only one full day of travelling left and I'm not sure I am prepared to stop driving, but I am prepared to start preparing for my new life!
Pics at:
Saturday, September 24, 2005
(My route today: Durham, NC -> Cape Hatteras, Outerbanks, NC)
Day #65: For the first time, Rudy was a friend, not "my friend's brother". Who would have thought I would get to know him so well? In any case, I've had truly worthwhile inspirational pitstops with my friends. It seems to take a certain someone to make the big permanent move away from home. I hope I will be as worthy as them!
Pics at:
Friday, September 23, 2005

(My route today: Atlanta, GA -> Durham, NC)
Day #64: Another big driving day today. 6 hours. I remembered how I had issues driving 3 hours just last year! Cruise control has played a big part in me maintaining these long driving distances. Ralph Teetor invented cruise control in 1945. Of course it had to be a genius who would conjure up such a novel concept. He built his first one cylinder car at the age of 12! I think I was only building lego cars at the age of 12! http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blcruisecontrol.htm
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1127172/
Thursday, September 22, 2005
2005, September 23 - Atlanta, Georgia
(My route today: Atlanta, Georgia ONLY)
Day #63: I thought I was too old for hostel living but thought I would vary my lodging by stopping by one in Atlanta anyway. Interestingly enough, I meet many cool people about my age in various stages of their lives. Thanks Michelle, Terri, Patrick, all the trannies and of course, Lane, for making Atlanta, a place I had already passed by on my way to Florida such a wonderful place to stop off!
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1128063/
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

(My route today: Weston, Florida -> St. Petersburg, Florida -> Homosassa Springs,
Florida -> Atlanta, Georgia)
Day #62: When asked if he did drugs, Dali responded with, "No. I am my own drug." I think my desire to see and do everything is a drug for me too. The adrenaline of life is so exciting and invigorating I can't get enough of it!
It's come to my realization that I have less than one week left on my cross-country
journey. Another chapter in life will be ending soon... But the end of one chapter
leads to the beginning of another, right?! I'm not ready to finish this trip, but I am ready to start preparing for Australia.
Also, I met someone in the hostel in Atlanta who has the same intuition as I do about Australia and is playing around with moving there!
Pics at:
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

(My route today: Weston, Fl -> Fort Myers, Fl)
Day #61: Talk about geniuses. Edison tops the list! I wonder how genius minds work. Imagine being able to remember and innovate with little effort. Was Edison's mind saved for research as well? I once thought if I put my mind at something, I would be able to do it. But being a genius is a natural anomaly. I am SOOO jealous.
More Edison info: http://www.edisonnj.org/history/
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1138347/
Monday, September 19, 2005

(My route today: Weston, Fl -> Lake Okeechobee, Fl -> Lauderdale-by-the-sea, Fl)
Day #60: It's amazing to be with someone who is passionate about their goals. Tom has inspired me for the last 6 years I've known him. If it weren't for him, I would not have seen Africa and I would not be seeing Australia. It is so appropriate he is now working to start up a non-profit organization called "Puente de Paz (Bridge of Peace)" with an aim to empower children and women in poverty starting in Honduras. I am confident he will be successful because he has empowered me. Thanks, Tom! You've given my life new meaning!
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1138347/
Sunday, September 18, 2005

(My route today: Weston, Fl -> Biscayne NP, Fl -> Key Largo, Fl -> Miami, Fl)
Day #59: Rita is barrelling to the Florida coast prohibiting us from doing anything fun. The furthest south we were able to go was Key Largo this afternoon. All visitors are being advised to evacuate. One good thing is the lifting of the hway tolls. This goes to show that it's the company you are with, not the activities that make a trip. I still had a blast today.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1138414/
Saturday, September 17, 2005

(My route today: Weston, Fl -> Everglades National Park, Fl)
Day #58: We went slough hiking on our own today. The park ranger assured us the sloughing would not disrupt the environment, but we wonder... It's amazing to be
alone surrounded by the wild with the potential (slight) of croc, snake, lighting,
mosquito (not slight) encounters. For the first time, we were so viciously attacked by mosquitos we had to run for the car as if we were being chased by bears! It's not the size that counts!
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1138542/
Friday, September 16, 2005
(My route today: Anastasia State Park -> St.Augustine -> Fort Matanzas -> Cocoa Beach -> Weston, Fl)
Day #57: On the east coast now. How quickly good times come and go. On the coast to home with the anticipation of more good times on the horizon and good friends to mill away the hours with... but still unhappy about it...
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1159844/
Thursday, September 15, 2005

(My route today: Sumiton, Alabama -> Anastasia State Park, Florida
Day #56: I leave the land of the truckers who honk at me because I look funny and my license plate is from somewhere preposterous and enter the region called "home". I don't feel exotic and different any more. Lucky mom still tells me I'm special. :)
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1159981/
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

(My route today: Hot Springs, Arkansas -> Little Rock, Arkansas -> Memphis, Tennessee -> Sumiton, Alabama
Day #55: The only thing I missed on my ambitious schedule today was buying Niagara (female Viagara) in Little Rock. I figured I get myself excited in other ways and can bypass that need. :) In any case, I was in the presence of Elvis today. Imagine being a legend. Imagine being so great that people still remember you 30 years AFTER you are dead and seek to preserve your memory. What a worthwhile existence he lived!
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1160120/
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
(My route today: Houston, Texas -> Hot Springs, Arkansas
Day #54: For the first time, I tried to stop and relax in a hot springs bath... and couldn't. It felt comfortable, but my mind continued to race with thoughts of my next day, my next month, my next years... I'm a little bit bothered my mind is so noisy... but also glad it has not gone stale from lack of use.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1160391/
Monday, September 12, 2005

(Where I am: Austin -> Houston, Texas)
Day #53: I decide to swing by Houston to volunteer for the Katrina relief (as well as visit my busy friend, Justin) today. I worked in the the clothes distribution area. My task was to organize donated clothes into bins, take evacuee requests, then "shop" for the requested clothes. Everyone were appreciative though there are many reports of thievery for the nicer brand clothes. I can't imagine losing everything I own. I've sought to keep the things I own basic and to a minimum. There's really no need to own that many pairs of shoes or clothes. I donated things I had not touched for 2 years when I was moving out. Pics at:
Sunday, September 11, 2005

(My route today: Austin, Texas
Day #52: Although it rained and the day was gloomy, I had a most peaceful, splendid day with a very good friend. Funny how close we'd become just knowing each other for 2 months. It was a kind of "friendship at first sight". I'd never experienced it before, but it's comforting to meet people you know you will always be good friends with for the rest of your life. Thanks, Shrutika! The world is a less scary place knowing people like you!
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1160970/
Saturday, September 10, 2005
(My route today: Austin -> Lake Travis -> San Antonio, Texas)
Day #51: Maybe it's due to the fact I had no idea what to expect of the Riverwalk, but I found it prettier than Venice. I still appreciate the maziness of Venice though. I never expected my breath to be taken away by something so obviously man-made. Apparently there is beauty in everything...
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1161359/
Friday, September 09, 2005

(My route today: Dallas -> Fort Worth -> Austin, Texas)
Day #50: I can't imagine what can possess one person to want to kill another person. Do you think they were ever good parents? They must not understand how difficult it is raise a child from infancy... through all the crying... and diaper changing. They must not understand how precious a life can be. How different history would be if JFK were alive today.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1161600/
Thursday, September 08, 2005

(Where I am: Dallas, Texas)
Day #49: Knowing I had a super long day of driving since I was starting in Arizona and ending in Texas, I took a quick 3 hour power nap this morning and started driving at 3am. Being the ambitious traveller that I am, I detoured and drove to Roswell, New Mexico first. I arrived 6.5 later. Then I drove from 10:30am until 7pm to arrive in Dallas. Where is all this energy coming from? While driving, I even listened to the "Art of War" mp3 in its entirety and thought it to be quite boring yet I didn't fall asleep. I'm guessing the adrenaline of living, seeing and doing is keeping me energized. If there is anything I could remove from my life, it would be sleeping. Sleeping is so time-consuming and unproductive... What basic necessity would you rather live without? Let's hope I just don't crash during this trip!
Pics at:
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

(My route today: Canyonlands -> Valley of the Gods -> Monument Valley, Utah -> Canyon de Chelley, Arizona)
Day #48: The Valley of the Gods has been the only place on this trip that made my jaw drop as Saint Peter's Basilica did all three times I'd visited it. Knowing all these shapes were created by nature further accents its awesomeness. I wanted to hike to these rocks just to feel its history. I felt like I had super powers and would be able to take flight if I leapt from the roof of the car. And it was only an 18 mile stretch! It was definitely the slowest 18 miles I'd ever driven! I took 2 hours to complete the drive! I hope everyone will experience it's incredibleness one day as well.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1215543/
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

(My route today: middle of nowhere in Utah -> Arches NP, Utah -> Canyonlands, Utah)
Day #47: Supposedly my first 24 hours all by my lonesome, but I encounter campers at my reserved site when I arrive at 9pm. We decide to share the campsite since I didn't take up much space anyway. They were 3 young Czechs painting and doing odd-end jobs to support their travels around the States. They'd been in the US for a couple of years already and has loved every single moment of it! I find it so ironic these foreigners demonstrate such passionate love for a country they did not originate from and seen more than probably 99% of Americans. I hope all Americans wake up and go see their beautiful country one day.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1161600/
Monday, September 05, 2005

(My route today: Las Vegas Gun Store -> Atomic Testing Museum -> Vegas Museum -> middle of nowhere in Utah)
Day #46: It was my first night sleeping on the road. I wasn't sure if truckers could be trusted but gave in at a rest stop utterly exhausted from driving in pitch darkness with them being the only people I'd seen for 5 hours. Settled in my car with my head and body covered as much as possible so people peering in would think I was male, I was startled awake at 3am by a worker evacuating the rest area due to a sewage leak. I had never been so scared in my life. In that instant, I felt vulnerable and wished to have found a hotel. Well, I moved on to a vista point all by my lonesome and was disturbed 3 hours later when the sun came up.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1271866/
Sunday, September 04, 2005

(My route today: Lake Mead, NV)
Day #45: If I was not offered to have another buffet in my lifetime, I would not mind. Maybe it was the sushi rice that ballooned up within me. Regardless, it was not an enjoyable experience. Being a balloon is not as bad has passing out drunk at the buffet table... although it is a close second. Here's to portion control!
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1272079/
Saturday, September 03, 2005

(My route today: Hilton Star Trek Experience -> Sahara lunch buffet -> Mystere @ Caesars Palace -> Harrah's Carnaval Court, NV)
Day #44: Our big lesson for a wasted day: Don't drink before breakfast!! After consuming the Borg Sphere, we naively started on breakfast/lunch at the Sahara buffet only to be zonked by the alcohol less than 30 minutes later. We were out cold at our booths for at least 30 minutes before wait staff ushered us out. Luckily we had a coupon to discount our meal. Still unstable, we stumble to the car and snooze in the sauna of the parking lot another hour before I am waken up by the heat and the fumes. We are out another hour in the room before my alarm wakes me and we get to our big Vegas show 15 minutes before curtain time. Yikes! As if we didn't have enough for the day, we spend the rest of the evening at Harrah's flair bartender bar. :) Maybe we didn't learn our lesson...
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1274530/
Friday, September 02, 2005

(My route today: Zion NP, Utah -> Las Vegas, NV)
Day #43: I don't feel home sick and it has been less than a week since I left my last familiar face, but I was totally elated to meet up with Keiko today. Possibly it stems from being with a stranger the last couple of days and having my guard up. Thanks for taking the time and effort of meeting up with me. Apparently it was perfect timing as I really needed it.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1274562/
Thursday, September 01, 2005

(My route today: Zion NP, Utah)
Day #42: I never took harsh words nor dessertion from me very well. Who knows why Colin decided to just pack up and disappear after I decide not to follow him across the stream to wander the Zion wilderness. It left me with a sense of hollowness assuming he was probably pissed off at me. Amazingly, I had full cell reception in my campsite and I was able to talk out my angst with a couple of friends. I came to the conclusion that regardless of how open I am to creating new relationships in Australia, they won't be replacing what I already have in NYC.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/1274588/