Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween is my favorite holiday and I'm glad to have celebrated my last one in NYC with people I care about. Lisa and Shrutika flew in and accented the week of fun with cameos. I have not had a better Halloweek! It was sad to see them go back to their lives and makes me hope our paths will cross again. Our next meeting still concerns me though. I feel as if I am on a road not travelled. This road will probably shape me in to a different person as everyone else's road will mold them as well. Will that Karen be recognizable and still be accepted? Will that Karen be able to still love Halloween in NYC? I hope so...
Pics at:
I crammed all the pictures into one set. Here's the breakdown:
1pm: WHERE: Barnes & Noble @ 55 5th Ave at 46th St
WHAT: Kim Catrell (Samantha from Sex in the City) signs her new book "Sexual Intelligence".
6-9pm: WHERE: The Drambuie Den @ 49 Grove Street between 7th Ave South and Bleecker Street
WHAT: Drambuie tasting
9:30-11pm: WHERE: LIPS at 2 Bank St
WHAT: Bitchy Bingo night starting at 9:30! ... and dinner.
7-10pm: WHERE: Kiev at 2nd Ave and 7th St
WHAT: $4 drinks (ALL DRINKS!) all night long
10-1am: WHERE: Plan B for dancing
7-9pm: WHERE: Bar 89 at 89 Mercer St and Spring St
WHAT: Dinner at _MY_ favorite restaurant
9pm-2am: WHERE: Mehanata clubbing on Bway and Canal
10am-noon: WHERE: Chinatown bt Mott and Canal St
WHAT: traditional dim sum breakfast!
noon-8pm: WHERE: Walk the Bklyn Bridge, Prospect Park, Greenwood Cemetary
9pm-3am: WHERE: Toshi Masquerade party
You can still sign up:
7pm: WHERE: 6th Avenue and Spring St
WHAT: More info at:
10pm: Dinner at Republic
Saturday, October 22, 2005

Turning 30... I can't even remember turning 21! Have I been drunk that long? :) Well, I like to follow Dave Barry's saying: "You will always be older, but you can be immature." Happy Birthday, Arun! Here's to staying forever 25!
Pics at:
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Happy Birthday, Ken! Let the good times keep rolling!
Pics at:

It was a combo day in all respects today. My niece (Gwendolyn) and a friend's son (Andrew) celebrated their close-enough-to-one year birthday today. Happy Birthday! or GAGA GOOGOO BOO! (in baby-speak)
Pics at:
Sunday, October 09, 2005

Thanks Kay for the great opportunity to spend a weekend and your wedding with you. The experience was quite addicting. I really wanted to stay so I can be fed dinner, hang out with the kids (at least when they are not crying) and to bask in the Lima mansion. I was happily reminded of the close friendship we used to have and sad about how we have drifted. I guess it is an unavoidable fact of friendship... that we will drift as interests, priorities and lifestyles shift... Please keep in touch! I'm missing you already!
Pics at:
Thursday, October 06, 2005

My first job since quitting... Bartending was super fun. Everyone was very forgiving considering I had to refer to my cheat sheet for most drinks. Well, I realized how much I missed everyone and how much they really did mean to me. Thanks for showing up. I definitely intend to do this again!
Pics at:
Monday, October 03, 2005

Surely, one of the nuttier and more spontaneous things I've ever done. I flew to Minnesota to hang with someone I had only met for one day in Atlanta. Thanks to all of you who showed concern. I truly appreciate it. Thankfully, Lane is a really cool guy!
Pics at: