What's Karen Up To Calendar

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

We were instructed to dress up late 80s/early 90s style. Apparently that meant bright bold colors with big patterns of flowers and leggings (!) -- I think that's my mom's current style of dress! I tried to recall if I had succumbed to that fashion trend and realized those were the days I spent eating jelly sandwiches for lunch most of the time to save money, so probably not (YEAH!). Well, it was one of the most grueling days in my life and the silliest and most pink I've ever dressed up EVER. I couldn't find a bright shirt with big patterns of flowers, but found a bright pink shirt with big patterns of circles. Looking at it again, I believe Ikea has a bed sheet set with the same design. Wouldn't that make an interesting shot...
The shooting day started painfully at 7am an hour away from home. We were given a bountiful breakfast then ushered into a hall where the actual shooting took place. The first time we were seated we were delighted to have been assigned seats in the middle next to the aisle of the 'extras' audience. The second time we were seated, we were assigned seats in the back corner of the audience block. We were so disappointed. The guy who sat next to me was loud and acted out during the applause scenes so hopefully our area was captured.
In any case, as the day progressed, the heat and boredom escalated. We had to remain a lively audience even for the 10th take of the same scene. I almost went bananas. Then Toni Collette and Gemma Ward showed up for their acting tidbits. Interestingly, although their only parts in the movie for the day was simply to sit and watch the play before us, they only appeared a few seconds before shooting. Their body doubles subbed in otherwise.
I'm not sure if I would be willing to deal with another 'extra' day. Imagine the tediousness of the ENTIRE filming processs! I highly commend everyone in this industry especially those still striving to make their mark in it!
So, keep your eye out for a girl in a pink shirt with big circles at the back left corner of the audience scene of : The Black Balloon.

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