Friday, October 27, 2006

Who would have thought dentistry was a physical sport??? Well, my dentist was huffing and puffing as if he had just run a half-marathon after he spent 15 minutes working my precious tooth 1-5 out of its socket. I'm a bit nervous about his workmanship simply because he was cheaper than the competition by 80%. I'm only paying $1500 for an implant compared to the typical $5000 on the street. The follow up is in 2 weeks. Let's see if the nastiness heals properly.
As you can see, the missing tooth is barely noticeable. But I'm bothered that yet another piece of me is gone. It didn't contribute to the essence that is Karen, but still, it consisted of my DNA and I guess, in some ways DID play a part in the puzzle that is Karen. "Silly goose!", I hear you say. At the 30+ age, the awareness of my deterioration plays a part in my thoughts every so often and is reinforced by incidences such as this. Let's hope my third strike will not be my last...
I know this wasn't a major incident but it goes to show where your good friends are even in the most minor of scratches. Thanks V (for the benevolent mommying), Bob (for the codeine phosphate panadeine forte -- can I keep all of them?? They are sooo good!), Brian and Ricky (for the sympathy) and Andreas (for making sure I wake up from the local anesthesia).
I am now truly a toothless American hick! (thanks for the thought, B!)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Considering the lifestyle I lead, I would think my injuries would be adventure related. Who would have thought I would sustain an injury on a flat night Indian dinner outing? This goes to show the point I have been trying to make to my mom the last 32 years of my life -- eatting anything with bone cannot be a good thing. Boneless fillet all the way, baby! It's not a serious injury, just a splitting of one of my most favorite molars (actually, I love ALL of them!). Out of pure luck, the tooth is split down the middle. Extraction may be my only option. The pain is bareable so long as I remain conscience about not chewing on that side of my mouth but I would assume would exacerbate in due time as more crap creaps into the crevice. Even the xrays showed my tooth was perfectly normal! I guess I should be expecting unexplanable deterioration as I age. First my thyroid, now molar 15. What next? It's the last tooth in my smile line too. Hopefully this doesn't mean I will be smiling less. The tooth fairy better be generous with me!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006

If it wasn't official before, it was official last night when Bob, Robin, Brian, Phil and I went to Stonewall -- the gayest club in Sydney -- to watch their gay underwear competition. Richard was right -- Brian, we were all there to pick up. You need to learn how to share!
Sunday, October 15, 2006

I thought I had a pretty laid back weekend but in retrospect, it was pretty full on. I guess that's the life I like to lead.
Went to church a second time Sunday evening. Hillsong services are a pretty incredible experience. I always feel like I'm at a pop concert. Don't worry NYers, I'm in no way of converting any time soon. I go to service only for inspirational value -- meaning, I enjoy being surrounded by others who are passionate for whatever they want to represent. Apparently it empowers and inspires me. Today's service was about life conviction and making more of this wonder of a life you have... in the name of Jesus Christ. I realize I already do live my life with conviction and wonder how many people in the service do take these words to heart and act upon it. Hopefully many.
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Labels: food
Monday, October 02, 2006

Many a times, I find myself wondering if I am truly sorting out my life and following a dream or just too lazy to commit and simply making a total mess of the comfy life I had back then. I'm 32 (this is the first time I've admitted my age on my blog!) and acting 18. Is this right? Do I really need to act my age? I guess the important thing is acting sensibly.
Just back from an 11 day trip north covering Brisbane, Fraser Island, the Whitsundays, Carnarvon Gorge and the Gold Coast with two housemates (Florian and Andreas) and a housemate's friend (Andrea). I did have a fun time usually but am I being childish to have gotten a bit miffed they spoke German most of the time? I'm figuring it's because I'm a nosey, busy-body and feel the need to know everyone's business that my emotions got so caught up. In previous travel experiences, the foreign language was typically that of the native country and I saw lack of understanding was part of the travel experience. Nonetheless, I should have had the emotional intelligence to understand that they gained their meaningful conversations in German rather than English. I did get a bit of German schooling in as well. Hopefully I will still remember it in 10 years when I finally get my ass over there. I guess I got used to making reflections during the trip but couldn't due to the limit in conversations. Nevertheless, I got to do everything I wanted to do anyways. Every moment I spend here makes me a bit more local. I love being more local -- or is it loco??
Brian, you're going to get such a kick of scuba diving! We need to do the next one together!