Saturday, May 31, 2008
My future in Darwin
Currently, I am involved in:
- St John's First Aid volunteer (we get to attend most of all Darwin events for free!)
- straggling "Just For Fun" team volleyball player (been holding off since the team doesn't seem to win when I participate)
- Lifeline counsellor training (It's a 6 month training program then I would be able to talk someone out of a suicide attempt! What a skill!)
- Maternity Emergency training with CRANA (it's only a weekend course, but I would be able to deliver a baby when there are no doctors and midwives around! Actually the exam is tomorrow. I better study...)
- Darwin Fist Full of Film Festival. (It's just like Sydney's Tropfest Short Film Festival,but the Darwin film festival actually shows all submissions to the public! I'm doing a film about the pups. Stay tuned for showtimes in August.)
- fostering Cecilia, an RSPCA beautiful dog (mom of the 7 puppies)
For the rest of the year, I plan to:
1 - Finish Shantaram, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (Edmund Morris) and two other books on the Darwin must read list.
2 - Complete German CD and read Anja’s blog.
3 - Pass the NCLEX.
4 - Complete Puppy short.
5 - Proficiently swim – life guard training???
6 - Do 5 REAL pushups.
7 - Play a tune on the harmonica.
8 - Play tennis at least 5x.
9 – Call mom on the first of each month.
10- Update my blog 2x a month.
11 - Finish Lifeline course.
12 – Finish Rosetta Stone puzzle
13 - Empower 2 people.
Damn. It's midyear already... I hope I can get through this list!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Life since Sydney
This is my first entry in a number of months. Sincere apologizes for the handful who had looked at my blog (whom I have probably lost already). Amazingly I have been quite busy since arriving in Darwin. It may not look like much on a map, but boy there is plenty to do.
I have just finished my operating theatre rotation of three months. Although a large part of it was enjoyable, I am looking forward to hitting the wards and putting into practice knowledge from my hard-earned degree. I will be rotating through the medical/surgical, rehab, maternity, chemo and angio wards for the remainder 9 months of my new graduate program (I end February 2009). I just pray that I won't kill anyone...
Just so I catch up with all the delayed pictures from the last couple of months, here is a breakdown:
12/11/2007 Singing Handel's Messiah at the Sydney Opera House
12/26/2007 Melbourne with Bob, Robin and Lydia trip
01/2008 5 day 50 hour Sydney-Tamworth-Darwin drive
03/15/2008 Glencoe home Hat House Warming
03/23/2008 Israel trip
04/12/2008 Litchfield trip
05/2008 Our 1.5-week 7 puppies RSPCA fostering fiasco
05/14/2008 Bob and Robin visit us (Darwin and Katherine and an Elton John concert!)
05/24/2008 Us, three amigos, as St John First Aider dorks (picture displayed)