Sunday, January 11, 2009
Forrer Farewell Lawn Sale
Living in Darwin was the first time I had ever become close to my neighbors. They were a young family from Holland initially enticed to our front lawn by our puppy fostering efforts in April. We all became fast friends and meandered around Darwin every so often tho usually we stayed within each other's backyards for dinner or tea.
Darwin is a peculiar place. It's a town of transients. Most people only plan to come for a couple of months and although some get comfortable and "temporarily stay" for 5 years or more, the majority move on and continue on their life's journey as intended. So we attend alot of good-bye parties. Some also become more selective of the people they let into our hearts. It was particularly difficult to say goodbye to the Forrer family because I saw them as my family too. Maybe that's what happens in small towns. When the shops are closed at 9pm on a Sunday, your neighbors are the only ones you can really rely on to have sugar available.
Thursday, January 01, 2009

... our two long term patients with a bit of Christmas cheer...
My Christmas and New Year was the quietest ever. I spent most of the time at work and stayed low-key with minimal alcohol intake. It was quite rewarding to work over the holidays and give a bit of Christmas spirit to those in the hospital some of whom with no family to give them best wishes for the upcoming year.
New Years Day has become a time of reflection for me - to look back at what I accomplished in the past year and to look forward at what I hope to achieve for the new year. I completed 9 out of my 14 resolutions from last year. This year I have a longer list but it includes a couple of repeats from last year. I'd love to hear about your resolutions for inspiration or any suggestions you may have to aid me in the completion of mine!
Here are my resolutions:
1 - Call mom every month
2 - "Give" in a unique way
3 - Finish Shantaram and read 1 book every 2 months
4 - Give a massage once a month
5 - Lawn bowl
6 - Attend a mud racing rally
7 - Have a superfood 3x/week
8 - Eat at all 117 eateries in Darwin
9 - Have yum cha in Darwin
10 - Be proficient in venipuncture and cannulation
11 - Go to Vietnam
12 - Perform a random act of kindness once a month
13 - Swim 400 metres, continuously in 13 minutes (Per Bronze medallion life saving:
14 - Play a tune on the harmonica
15 - Play tennis 5x
16 - Update my blog twice a month
17 - Finish the Rosetta Stone puzzle (on my list for 3 years now)