Wednesday, August 31, 2005

(My route today: Sequoia NP, CA -> Death Valley, CA -> Las Vegas, NV)
Day #41: I love testing my limits. There's no other time you would feel more alive and appreciate being alive. We drove through Death Valley in 113+ heat for the afternoon. I didn't dare turn on the A/C for fear the car battery would die with the hills it had to take on as well. It was also the first time I had been turned away from staying at an NPS campsite due to the harsh climate. Luckily so since the Circus Circus in Vegas stay was only $30 a room and gave us a chance to shower in a while.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

(My route today: Yosemite NP, CA -> Sequoia NP, CA)
Day #40: Being among Sequoias must be like an ant among blades of grass. You are in awe and intimidated at the same time. They are beautiful, ancient, powerful, fragile things. These giant trees are the largest in the world with some of them at thousands of years old. Imagine if they could talk!
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Monday, August 29, 2005

(My route today: Half Dome, Yosemite NP, CA)
Day #39: It's so fulfilling to meet other people with your same view of goals and life. I walked the first 2 hours up Half Dome by myself wondering if the route was closed or undesirable. But in the 2nd hour, I met Colin. He's looking to do more with his life and embraces challenges. The rest of the 8 hour hike whizzed by. Soon enough, the sun sat and we had to race to catch the last bus to camp. It was the most exhilarating hike with one of the most interesting people I've met during this trip. What a great day!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005

(My route today: San Francisco, CA -> Yosemite NP, CA)
Day #38: If I had a star talk when I was younger, I would be an astronomer now. I'd always had an idea how amazing space was, but never thought I'd be stricken by it's wonder until tonight's star talk. Maybe it was the cool green laser pointer the NPS ranger used that pointed right to the stars.
In case you want one for yourself:
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Saturday, August 27, 2005

(Where I am: San Francisco, California)
Day #37: It was an early hike the entire perimeter of Angel Island morning followed by a sunset kayak around San Fran. My fingers are still pruney. I'm leaving for Yosemite tomorrow morning so don't expect a blog update until I meet Keiko, Arun and Margaret in Vegas on Friday. It will be the longest stretch I've ever spent by myself. I sure hope I don't drive me nutty. I've written off walking the Golden Gate Bridge and getting lost in the labyrinthes of Grace Cathedral. They will have to be my highlights for next time. And next time I may even attempt to look up my long lost dad. Funny, despite my 2 day extension in SF, the thought of my dad only occurred me in these last hours as I review my SF "To Do List".
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Friday, August 26, 2005

(Where I am: San Francisco, California)
Day #36: We spent the morning at the Museum of Technology in San Jose. It is definitely one of the coolest museums I've ever visited. The interactive exhibits make you feel like a kid again. Luckily we showed up early coz the kids came in later on and edged us off the cooler stuff. I even had an argument with a girl who claimed the computer light-contrast portrait was hers when clearly the black splotches were of my face. Check out the webpage I made there:
Makes you wonder when you stopped becoming a kid, right? Or maybe more important, when did you become an ADULT?
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Thursday, August 25, 2005

(My route today: San Francisco, CA -> Livermore, CA)
Day #35: ... I am just beyond the halfway point of the road trip. Didn't I just start last week? There's still so much I want to see and do!! sigh.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

(Where I am: Crater Lake, Oregon -> San Francisco, California)
Day #34: For the first time, we woke up at 5am to catch the 5:35am sunrise over Crater Lake. The sunrise actually occurred at 7:35am since the sun needs to peak over the Crater rim. Then we drove from 7:35am down the scenic 101 route to San Fran to have dinner with my HS friend, Mark, and a friend I met in Guatemala, Naama. Afterwards, we took Stefano to the airport. Life seems so transient. People come into and out of our lives constantly. It makes me wonder which of my friends would persist and survive beyond my antics. If you are reading this, I hope you will be one of them. :) Thanks to everyone who has/ who will entertain me during this journey. It definitely means the world to me.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

(Where I am: Crater Lake, Oregon)
Day #33: The car hit 10,000 miles today. Despite the fact that there was 2,300 miles on the car to start with, this is still a significant number! Any bets on what number I will end with? Also, we swam in the freeeeeezing Crater Lake today as well as did a 23 foot jump into the lake. Thanks Stefano for making me do the jump! Funnily, as I sat frozen staring down the cliff, someone saw my tattoo and told me "Why don't you just live a little and just do it?". It made me smile to be reminded of my mantra and immediately took the leap. I hope everyone has a mantra that can propel them smiling through life. Life is too short to not be happy through it's entirety.
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Monday, August 22, 2005

(Where I am: Oregon Dunes, Oregon -> Crater Lake, Oregon)
Day #32: Talk about adrenaline moments that I love living for! We rode ATVs around the Oregon dunes today. I felt like a cowboy of the desert. Trying new things is like discovering a new crayon color as a child. You want to color everything with the slime lime green until you want to start puking yourself. HA! :)
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Sunday, August 21, 2005

(My route today: Portland -> Oregon Coast -> Reedsport, OR)
Day #31: Why don't we hear about the Oregon Coast? It's the most beautiful coastline I've ever seen. I could meander all the beach outlets for a week! Sorry, Mark. I can't rip myself away yet. I've been seduced.
Pics at:
Saturday, August 20, 2005

(My route today: Seattle, WA -> Mt St Helens, WA -> Portland, OR)
Day #30: Imagine spending a quiet day camping to be engulfed by the Mt St Helens eruption. I watched the Twin Towers burn after being hit and that was incredulous. Hopefully I would think quickly and high tail out of harms way. It must have looked like Armageddon.
Pics at:
Friday, August 19, 2005

(Where I am: Seattle - Bainbridge)
Day #28: We kayaked, visited the only winery with a vineyard in Seattle and saw a pow wow on Bainbridge Island. At the vineyard, we met the owner who was so amazingly passionate about the unique concept of the Bainbridge Island Winery, we were all inspired. Instead of buying grapes from others to create his wine, he tills his own land for grapes. Property taxes have caused him to shrink his land from a height of 26 acres to the 11 he has now. It's so great to meet people who know their purpose as their passion is infectious.
Pics at:
Thursday, August 18, 2005

(Where I am: touring Seattle)
Day #28: Alot of touring was accomplished today. We hit the Boeing 747 plant, Hiram Chittenden Locks, Pike Place Market (for some original Starbucks -- the only coffee I will be driving during this trip!), the Underground Walking tour as well as the Cowgirls Inc (we rode the mechanical bull!) and Chop Suey clubs. Lisa was the ultimate tour guide. It makes me wonder at what point I will be capable of giving tours and if I would be venturing out on my own to do these touristy things in Sydney. At what point will I think of Sydney as being MY city like I think of NYC as MY city now. Would I always consider myself a New Yorker?
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

(Where I am: Mt. Rainier -> Seattle)
Day #27: Another phase of my trip has ended. Liang left for NY tonight. My one month partner has gone home for good. I know people had bets about our ability to tolerate each other (I did as well)... but 'HA!', we surpassed our differencies. The rest of the trip will definitely be different. I'm already starting to get nervous about what I would do if anything happens to the car. Funny how I hate dependencies yet I succumb to it anyway. Thanks Liang for making sure there was always enough gas in the car, all the batteries were always charged, there were adapters to charge every electronic anyone could ever own, there was always enough water, we woke up in time, we had tissues, we had enough dried food to feed everyone in camp, the tent always packed nicely to slide RIGHT into its bag, we sunblocked, there was always a sharp knife around, there was caffeine in the car, we had more than one GPS working, ... have I missed anything? Again, thanks Liang! I miss you already!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

(My route today: Seattle, WA -> Mt Rainier, WA)
Day #26: I was alone for a whooping 5 hours today. I've dreaded the part of the trip I would be alone but 5 hours was really not that bad. Liang and I had wanted to tackle different hikes, hence we separated. The world was definitely quieter hiking by myself. The world was also definitely scarier when I accidentally deviated off the trail and had to scale some rocks. I hope I can take care of myself...
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Monday, August 15, 2005

(My route today: Seattle, WA)
Day #25: Luckily the laptop broke. It gave us an opportunity to take a lazy non-tourist day. Mind you, this is very atypical of me. But it was highly welcomed. We saw a different residential side of travelling and 'lived' where we were travelling.
Pics at:

(My route today: Seattle, WA)
Day #25: Luckily the laptop broke. It gave us an opportunity to take a lazy non-tourist day. Mind you, this is very atypical of me. But it was highly welcomed. We saw a different residential side of travelling and 'lived' where we were travelling.
Pics at:
Sunday, August 14, 2005

(My route today: Vancouver, BC -> Seattle, WA)
Day #24: Maybe we weren't in the heart of Chinatown or that the West Coasters start later, but I really miss the NY Chinatown hussle and bussle. I miss having to flag the waitress with the carts down because they are busy hassling the other table to buy a dish. I miss avoiding the stinky garbage bags on the sidewalks. I miss slithering my way through the crowd so we can get seated sooner. I'm going to really miss hometown Chinatown.
Pics at:
Saturday, August 13, 2005

(My route today: Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC -> Squamish, BC -> Vancouver, BC)
Day #23: We went to a comedy show tonight and one of the jokes were:
"I'm afraid to go to the states. At the airport, they would look up your ass for shits and giggles. I just hope they only find giggles."
Is that what foreigners think of Americans? We are just paranoid freaks? I do feel like we are living a sheltered life where we are fed news so we feel like we are living in a safe environment. All these xrays in the workplace, in the airports don't do squat but fuel our need to feel safe. We are being brain-washed to being spineless beings dependent on false security instead of inspired to explore a world unknown.
Pics at:
Friday, August 12, 2005

(My route today: Kamloops, Alberta -> Vancouver, BC)
Day #22: We sat on the laptop. We dropped the laptop. We left the laptop in 100 degree weather. We were totally negligent for its well-being. So I guess we deserved to have it crap out on us mid-trip. Truly you understand an objects value when it is taken away. boohoo...
Pics at:
Thursday, August 11, 2005

(My route today: Lake Louise -> Jasper, Alberta -> Kamloops, BC)
Day #21: I don't think I've ever turned away from a hike. I usually tough it out and shlep to completion. This Whistler hike was extremely cold and extremely wet. I wonder if I am just so out of shape from all the driving. That's a high possibility. I'm up to the point of barely being able to do one push up again. (I was able to do 8 right before embarking on this trip.) I knew I should have brought my weights!
Pics at:
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

(My route today: Calgary -> Banff -> Lake Louise, Alberta)
Day #20: Somewhat a theme of my trip, my breath is taken away once again. Even the rain and the clouds could not mask the beauty of the Canadian Rockies. I'd heard Glacier NP was the most beautiful park in North America... well, the Canadian Rockies surpass it. The air breathes cleaner, fuller and more delicious. It's as if this was the first time I'd breathed. I could feel the oxygen molecules replenishing all my red blood cells... rejuvenating my body. YUM!
Pics at:
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

(My route today: Calgary, Alberta)
Day #19: We had an overpriced rootsy tootsy dinner tonight. I wonder if my preference for eye candy and kitsch would quietly take a step aside with my new found unemployment and need to live a simpler life. How much will I miss this life of exuberance? Would I pine for it and move back to the corporate life? It is very comforting to have the means and allow yourself to be pampered...
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Monday, August 08, 2005

(My route today: Glacier NP Iceberg Lake, MT -> Calgary, Alberta)
Day #18: It makes sense why Montana is called Big Sky Country. Never before have I been so enamored by clouds. Never before have I had such an unobstructed view of the sky. The inviting sky even makes me feel lighter! I feel like a child again imagining wonderful scenes of nature and fantasy worlds amongst the cloud formations. It's a wonder anyone in this state gets anything done! I find myself daydreaming while driving!
Pics at:
Sunday, August 07, 2005

(My route today: Kalispell, MT -> Glacier NP, MT)
Day #17: Being a National Park Ranger is a hugely noble job. They are paid peanuts yet whole-heartedly and passionately relay their natural knowledge to the curious public. It must be amazing to find your true love ... in job, in life and in the people around you.
Pics at:
Saturday, August 06, 2005

(My route today: Missoula, MT -> Kalispell, MT)
Day #16: My heart broke today watching the distruction of a large piece of forest. The utter and total consumption of helpless trees just seem so unfair. But it is the ruthless cycle of life we need to accept and understand. New plants will take root in the coming years to rebuild the beauty that existed before. The question now is: Is it right for humans to intervene to this act of nature?
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Friday, August 05, 2005

Day #15: I have started to realize there are things I am going a little batty missing. Friends and family I have missed the day I decided to do this. But I've had these wierd cravings for milk and Tropicana Orange Juice. I guess I had set myself up on a routine. Is routine good for you? I guess it really depends on the type of person you are and how tolerant you are of change. I read once that doing everything with your opposite hand every so often works out your brain. For me, change has allowed for self-renewal and self-exploration.
Pics at:
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Day #14: It's been a while since I'd backcountry'ed. There's something about being out in the open by yourself. A certain vulnerability overcomes and belittles you. Then there's also an overpowering feeling of existence... of noone being around for miles and you being the sole witness for the next couple of hours/days. Ultimately the possible encounter with a bear really freaked me out and I only slept lightly with one eye open to watch for forest moment since the roaring river would have muffled any noise. I still thoroughly enjoyed the experience though!
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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Day #13: Geysers are so unique. Like humans, each look completely different with its own routine and personality. Some erupt multiple times a day. Some erupt once every decade or so. Some depend on other geysers to erupt before deciding to erupt itself. Some are surrounded by colored bacteria. But all are beautiful and special. Quite like you and me, no? :)
Pics at:
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Day #12: I had done a bit of research before arriving, but nothing prepared me to deal with the awesomeness that is Yellowstone. There is something to do everywhere... and like Disneyworld, there is also conjestion and lines. And also like Disneyworld, ammenities and information are readily available throughout the park. But unlike Disneyland, all the fun rides (natural wonders and ranger information sessions) are free. The closest airport (a dinky one at that) is Cody, Wyoming 50 miles away. I am glad so many people make the effort to look at (and hopefully understand) the greatness that is Yellowstone. Indeed it deserves the honor of being dubbed the first national park.
Pics at:
Monday, August 01, 2005

Day #11: A detour we decided to embark on merely a couple of hours before we encountered it, seeing the Medicine Wheel was a surreal event for me. We were actually hoping to rush to it and back so we could find a hotel early. The 1.5 mile walk (rather than drive) to the sacred site allowed visitors to feel the mountain and the forces that acted upon it. Everything around me quieted when I turned the corner and saw the wheel. I could imagine every stone deliberately being chosen and placed. Every ornament had been carried the same 1.5 mile I had just walked to represent a hope and a prayer for better life ahead...
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