What's Karen Up To Calendar

Monday, February 20, 2006

It's officially my ONE MONTH anniversary in Sydney. I guess with all the stimulus, it's felt more like 6 months. So far, I don't have a set daily routine with the exception of going to the food/veg market on Sunday evenings (which I missed yesterday... so there goes routine). In any case, my 1 week old new housemates are so cool, I'm taking them out tonight to celebrate my one month survival on the other side of the planet. I can't help but be elated for being so lucky to meet my uni buddy and her chums, my uni classmates and my housematties... all in one month. If this one month is any example, the best is yet to come! Hopefully "the best" also includes convincing the landlord to pay for our internet connection fee so I can upload pictures! Hey there in the US, for the first time, I sincerely wish you were here with me!

Friday, February 17, 2006

So ARE you ever too old? I'd like to think not. It must all be in my mind. Everyone I've met so far are about 10 years younger than me. I'd never been concerned about admitting my age, but recently I have... I'm fearful I will be treated differently, considered immature, etc. All the people I've been close so far have treated me like a peer, but have I lost out by admitting my age to others? I guess it doesn't really matter so long as I'm still enjoying myself at whatever I'm doing. As George Burns has said "Young. Old. Just words."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Don't forget to LOVE LIFE!

Monday, February 13, 2006

You know that feeling you get when you met someone and you know you guys totally click?
Well, it happened to me yesterday. The big room in the house I'm renting from was available and she came by to see it. We spoke briefly about it but she was reluctant to move in because it was just too expensive for 1 person. I never took a good gander at this room across the hall from me so I took a look and was very impressed with the amount of space and the balcony. Our conversation was very amicable and open. So we decided to take the conversation to a local bar where I was going to meet some ex-flatties for a crab race. We spoke about being roomies and discussed certain rules about not allowing ill will to fester... and for once I'm going to be sharing a room with someone else! I haven't felt quite so relaxed and SETTLED. Sensibly, I will leave my expectations low until one month has passed, but V and I are very common and I'm very excited to see how I can contribute to her film career. ... I'm also saving AU$160 a month!
All in all, yesterday was very good. My ex-flatties and my uni buddy, Sharon, and her new beau (from the Laundrette -- well, it's called the Laundrette coz that's where girls pick up 'suits' -- get it?) met up at the Scubar with us as well and had a fun time chatting away. Only my ex-flatties and I were left by the time the crab race started 1.5 hours late. There were too many people and the crabs were too small to see much, but we did get to see a girl flash her boobies. To round out the night, we went to the supermarket as if it was just another weekday... I think I can get used to this place... :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's probably more information than any of you reading this would want to know about me, but I'd missed my period for 2 months. The last time I missed my period was March 2005 when I progressed into advanced Graves Disease. Paranoid, I saw my uni doctor on Monday. She presumed my issue was attributed to my life change. Reluctant to accept that explanation, I had her schedule a blood test. My results are due tomorrow, Friday.
In the hospital (where they've allocated me to do my first week of clinicals), I was assigned to a room with a Cantonese elderly lady. She didn't speak a lick of English and when she found out I spoke Cantonese, she begged me to stay close to her. She actually reminded me of my mom. The puffy curly black hair, the constant complaining of back pain, the hatred for american food, ... I helped her make her bed, walk her to the bathroom, take a shower, etc. I hadn't helped anyone as much as her. When I got home, I realized my period started.
Until today, I didn't realize how much of a need I needed to feel at home. Mrs. Lam helped me feel more comfortable with my new surroundings. Thank you! I hope I see you again on my last day at Royal Prince Albert Hospital tomorrow...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I had about given up on Sydney last night. Typically I abhor clothes shopping. I hate it even more when I have an assigned shopping goal. Uni required us to buy a white shirt and navy blue slacks for our hospital rounds next week. I spent last night combing the city. In the midst of combing, I was pickpocketed. Luckily I had cleared my wallet out the day before and lost mainly my ATM and credit card. Still the trust I had instilled in quaint Sydney is now gone. I felt totally betrayed. So, until I get my new cards mailed from the US (10 days), I'll be living on borrowed money.
Worse yet, the door to my shared house was left openned when I arrived. Stricken by a sense of panic, I rushed up to my room to find it was still locked. I guess it was a case of absentmindedness. One of many quirks that have annoyed me with my anonymous flatemates whom I rarely see.
So, so far I have not had much luck in this wonderful world of Sydney. I've decided to take it day by day and keep my chin up. These are the adjustment pangs I need to deal with and things will surely get better when I settle in.
To all those in NY who read my blog... I MISS NEW YORK! Absence does make the heart grow fonder...

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