Monday, June 19, 2006

So I'm living between the library and the 24 hour student building. I tend to study until 1am or so and crawl into bed around 2am to wake up at 7am when my roommate gets up. Thank goodness I have only 2 more days of this torture. I swear I will be better next semeter. Yeah. It hasn't been fun. We took our Adult Surgical exam today and it was so difficult I didn't even have time to go over my questions. My kind roommate gave me a Berocca energy supplement to take before the test as I have been stressing about this particular subject exam. Unbeknownst to me, it was an effervescent tablet which meant I needed to dissolve it in a glass of water before ingestion. I didn't have a glass for water, so I split the tablet in half, popped it in my mouth and took a swill from a bottle to find the tablet bubbling inside me (and me foaming at the mouth). In the hopes of getting supernatural energy like me, Brian took my other half. We ended up quite gaseous during the exam (and seemingly still in recovery 8 hours later). Time ticked away during my 2:10hr exam with my gastro-intestinal tract gurgling the whole while. The proctor probably thought we were gastro-telepathically sending answers to each other! That's the last time I'm going to try something new before a test!
Some swear by Berocca here. I worked better with Vivarin in my first uni life.
Sunday, June 11, 2006

I started my second job this evening working behind a bar island in level 1 aisle 131 at Telstra Stadium. To say the least, I was excited about trying something new, pouring beer and ringing the cash registers. It was the most exhausting and most difficult 4 hours I've ever worked. I stood from 5:30pm to 9:30pm and sold $2000 of beer, wine, soda and chips. People cursed at me when I couldn't sell them trays for their beer because we had run out. Many came repeatedly making me wonder if they were at the stadium to get pissed or to watch the game. Sadly, I didn't get to watch the game at all. I assumed we had won since people left the stadium elated. Maybe I can be upgraded to hot dog duty next time since apparently reeking of beer is worse than reeking of cigarettes.
Game Details:
Saturday, June 10, 2006

In the thick of finals now... that dreaded time of year... so we decided to take a mini-break (for the none of us who had started studying) and accepted Bob and Robin's invitation for a dinner party at their beautiful apartment in Neutral Bay. It was my first elaborate home cooked meal and elegant evening with great friends in Sydney... and BOARD GAME evening! I laughed so hard I had gas problems afterwards (did anyone else?)! Thanks everyone for making Saturday night a fun laughter-filled evening!
Pics at
Friday, June 09, 2006

We took nursing education to the next level and attended the NSW Nursing Association yearly conference today. It was interesting to hear about all the new research and other efforts going into nursing. Nursing is surely moving into a more scientific and medical field. It feels somewhat odd to be part of an industry that feels it needs to prove itself constantly. In the computer industry, we'd always been accepted as talent and although we were considered the cost department in a financial institution, we were obviously essential. Nurses are just as essential but there seems to be so much stigma to combat. Sadly, only the five of us had the courage to skip uni for the day to gain some real life experience. (of course, we'd notified our lecturers beforehand for approval. You think we are stupid?!)
Pics at:
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Not looking, but I thought "Why not?". It was fun nonetheless. Thanks Vinny for the useful questions. We actually ended up using a couple. Just in case you can't think of q's during a speed dating session, here are some of Vinny's suggestions:
1. Would you prefer to vomit on someone, or be vomitted on?
2. What's the strangest place, you've put a pencil?
3. Where's the best place to pick up some ICE?
4. I'm sorry, I'm so nevous I crapped my pants...unless you are into stuff like that...
5. I love to speed date, it helps to keep the demonic voices quiet in my head.
6. Get this for a medical first, my doctor said that I'm the first person to develop Athelete's Foot, in my mouth.
Saturday, June 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Emily and Andy! What a fab party! When's the next one?! Who has the sex'ed up pictures?
Pics at:
Thursday, June 01, 2006
So in today's pathophysiology class, we learned about cancer. A contributing factor is air pollution so I decided to do research who the major culprits were.
China has the top 16 out of 20 cities contributing to air pollution.
CNN had an article about it today
Check out the video about the worse culprit Linfen
Maybe I don't want to live in China for two years.
My mind migrated to concerns about the Ozone... Here's a cool video of its progression from 2004-2005. Dark colors are bad colors! It's worse around December!
Do you know where YOUR public toilet is? My hood only has one public toilet. Luckily I live close by!
China has the top 16 out of 20 cities contributing to air pollution.
CNN had an article about it today
Check out the video about the worse culprit Linfen
Maybe I don't want to live in China for two years.
My mind migrated to concerns about the Ozone... Here's a cool video of its progression from 2004-2005. Dark colors are bad colors! It's worse around December!
Do you know where YOUR public toilet is? My hood only has one public toilet. Luckily I live close by!