What's Karen Up To Calendar

Saturday, January 13, 2007

(NZ pics are on the way...)
I've never really been serious about New Year resolutions when I made them, let alone commit myself to accomplishing things for the year (things just seem to come up!). I have been mulling over a number of things since the new year started and have decided on the below. They are posted by my door so I will be conscious of them everyday and be inspired to fulfill them! I realize I needed to make them specific in order for them to be accomplished. What's on your list?
- RUN a marathon
- EAT more healthy. (I've decided meat consumption will be the exception- to be consumed on a night out if desired. I will not purchase meat to cook for dinner. Apples will be my munchie of choice -- until I get sick of it and move onto another fruit. Raw veggies will be the standard meal preference. I call this the Paddy's diet. Paddy's Market is the local cheap Chinese market open Thursday-Sundays. Think third world crowded haggling market!)
- EXERCISE three times a week (hopefully Hip Hop on Tuesdays!)
- DO stretches (esp neck stretches -- they've been tight lately) every morning
- GET the Swedish Massage certificate (so my friends will love me :) )
- BE able to play the Entertainer on the harmonica (Thanks Bob for the xmas present!)
- MEET my neighbors
- BE more active in my community and go to at least one council meeting
- DO a Chinese podcast lesson twice a week (I should! I paid for it!)
- TAKE a basic German class
- TAKE a basic swimming class
- SING in the Sydney Opera House (via the mass choir for the Christmas Messiah performances)
- READ a book every two months (well, I got all this other stuff going on!)
Jan 2007 -- Virus Hunters of the CDC, Joseph McCormick & Susan Fisher-Hoch (almost done)
Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff
Feb/Mar -- Stop Kiss, Diana Son (thanks, Lisa)
Whitethorn - Bryce Courtenay (thanks, Brian)
Apr/May -- Losing My Virginity, Richard Branson
June/July -- Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts
Aug/Sept -- Mutant Message Down Under, Marlo Morgan
Oct/Nov -- The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Morris
Dec -- ???
Most of these books are books I bought in India for $2, were mailed to me or were partially read in my past. Any recommendations for December?
- and finally, ACCEPT others as they are and not try to force my views on them nor blast them on my blog

What does everything think about my new stats counter? ... Hello? Anyone? :P

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This is a really great website full of resources for everyone who wants to Learn chinese...
Enjoy it!
I feel violated! Not only have I been reduced to a random piece of data (or meat), bits and bytes, but I am being tracked! Shame on you! (j/k)
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