Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ok. Ok. Fine. I'm taking YET another break from uni work.
To keep you up-to-date with my recent distractions (as you may want to do some of your own), here are my latest distractions:
- Pirates of the Carribean 3 -- if you are looking for a LOOoOOOng break. Pretty convoluted story but make sure you stay post-credits for a bit of extra (10 years later) musing.
- Science of Sleep -- the director of "Eternal Sunshine" fame makes a creative film about the realities (and alternate realities) of a dreamer. I loved that the French, English and Spanish languages were intertwined in the movie adding to its imaginative flair. The movie was silly and deep at the same time and reminded me of the twisted Twin Peaks world, but was not as disturbing.
- Line Rider -- The creators of this 'game' used real-world physics to program the sledder's every movement. It's AMAZING! Don't forget to watch some of the movies for further inspiration.
- You Don't You Jack -- I remember this game from my first uni days, do you? Well, it's A LOT funnier and entertaining now. Sadly, I think I know less now than before. For a quickie, this is the funniest one yet!
- The Capsules -- My medical science (I sit in on the Monday sessions to further my anatomy knowledge) teacher popped this on during class break. It's quite relaxing music and really helps me to concentrate while essay writing. There's only three songs online...
- -- Ed introduced me to this wonderful site that combines all the chat programs into ONE login and ONE screen. Now, I just have to find more NON-google chat people to add to my list...
- Google maps street view -- Here's some cnet detail. Would be cool if they let us submit our own pics. A significant amount of NYC is covered (I can even see Bar89!). Looks like someone woke up REALLY early to take these pics coz the streets are empty! Alot of the pics are fairly fuzzy. They probably took the pics from a speeding van.
- Webware Top 100 -- If you want to waste a WHOLE HEAP of time, most of the sites here contain content that are very innovative and ... FREE!
Hey. I gotta get back to work. Happy surfing! See you back after June 13th...
Google map popped this up when I went to look at the Times Square street view. Anyone gone yet??? :)
Sunday, May 20, 2007

So my eye lid was itching yesterday and I plucked a handful of eyelashes off my eye. Seemingly just a couple of strands were unshackled so I paid it no mind. It wasn't until I got home this evening and washed my face that I noticed my right eye seemed odd. Upon closer inspection, I noticed I had only a tuft of lashes clinging on to the middle of my lid. I'd never thought I'd go berserko over lost lashes, but I am. My bit of research informs me lash growth is from 1 to 6 months. What's a girl to do? I can't walk around with my eyelid balding for that long! Anyone with info about false lashes, lash growth stimulators or any cutting-edge lash tech?!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I'm exhausted but I've had the time of my life and discovered my calling... I think. The last 9 days my uni assigned me to work in the Emergency Department of St Vincent Hospital. For those of you who don't know, St Vincent is located in Darlinghurst, the gay capital of Sydney. Originally I was to work in the ICU. Boy am I glad to have sternly requested a move. It's been the most hands-on and eye-opening experience of my brief nursing career.
Every day as I walk to St Vincents, I hope for a major trauma or the chance to witness CPR in action. How morbid, eh? The worse day of someone's life becomes my highlight. Where's my humanity? I wonder if I lose it as I continue working in this area. I remember when I used to think IDC insertions were gross.
So what have I seen/done?
- cannula removals
- ECG setups
- tons of chest pain patient assessments
- IDC (in-dwelling catheter) insertion. My batting average so far: men 2/3, women 0/2 (when can I ever get a young woman who has not had a child?)
- frontal lobe dementia patient who asked if he could feel my boobs
- bipolar patient who viciously cursed me when I pricked her for a BSL test then just as quickly reverted back to her nice, pleasant self.
- 1 hour hold-down of an agitated post-ectal epileptic patient who finally calmed down after 80mg of Valium by peeing onto my shoes.
- 1 hour of torturing (via sternal rub and other techniques) to wake up an overdosed patient to admit what he OD'ed on (32 Serepax).
- sterile dressing'ed patient who jackhammered into a gas pipe and synged his arm and facial hair
- witnessed the pleural tap of an old lady who came in with shortness of breath
- witnessed the blueing of the arm of a narcotic OD patient
- learned how to bandage the head of someone which a head laceration
- 2 tetanus IM injections
- learned how to apply the Donway splint for femur fractures
- witnessed the cardiac deterioration of a patient whom doctors thought had stabilized from a stroke. She became unresponsive and her left pupil dilated while her right pupil remained. The doctor left me alone with her for 10 seconds to organize a bed in the resus area. I was primed to jump on the patient to start compressions!
- mental health patient rushing out of his room screaming "I'm going to kill all of you!", then get confronted quickly by big burly security men.
... how exciting to say the least! I wonder what I would get tomorrow? Let's keep those fingers crossed for something that will top my two weeks.