Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A couple of more website newsies (to me) I've stumbled upon while "studying":
100 Words Every HS Graduate Should Know -- Boy, am I in trouble! Hmm.. Why "kowtow"?
BuyYourFriendADrink.com -- let's hope they extend to Bar89 by the time I get back to NYC!
Free Online Books -- I've started reading The Jungle. Yes, I had a deprived childhood (and I don't like to study). Does anyone know of a program that can suck the contents of these online books onto my computer? Once I move out to the outback who knows when I will see the internet again. (*sob*)
Simulation of CO2 emission for each country -- Pretty cool map. Has the carbon neutral craze hit your country? It has in Australia. Even bars are advertising to being carbon neutral. I hope it is an acceptable reason for me not returning to NYC yet. A one-way flight from Sydney to New York emits 9.5 tonnes of CO2!
Song stuck in your head? Sounds like you have an EARWORM!
Now, get off the web and stop bugging me. I'm try to STUDY here!