Thursday, September 08, 2005

(Where I am: Dallas, Texas)
Day #49: Knowing I had a super long day of driving since I was starting in Arizona and ending in Texas, I took a quick 3 hour power nap this morning and started driving at 3am. Being the ambitious traveller that I am, I detoured and drove to Roswell, New Mexico first. I arrived 6.5 later. Then I drove from 10:30am until 7pm to arrive in Dallas. Where is all this energy coming from? While driving, I even listened to the "Art of War" mp3 in its entirety and thought it to be quite boring yet I didn't fall asleep. I'm guessing the adrenaline of living, seeing and doing is keeping me energized. If there is anything I could remove from my life, it would be sleeping. Sleeping is so time-consuming and unproductive... What basic necessity would you rather live without? Let's hope I just don't crash during this trip!
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markjones68710594, what the #@!%#@! You should get your OWN real life instead of trolling blogs for a date!
Sun Tzu on mp3 during a road trip? gee... that's putting technology to use!
unfortunately, i chose not to make the plunge (quit, that is) and join you guys but whenever i do (really, i will), i'm gonna visit you in outback country. hopefully you'll still be there for free housing, hehe =)
kam :) with a smile
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unfortunately, i chose not to make the plunge (quit, that is) and join you guys but whenever i do (really, i will), i'm gonna visit you in outback country. hopefully you'll still be there for free housing, hehe =)
kam :) with a smile
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