Wednesday, September 21, 2005

(My route today: Weston, Florida -> St. Petersburg, Florida -> Homosassa Springs,
Florida -> Atlanta, Georgia)
Day #62: When asked if he did drugs, Dali responded with, "No. I am my own drug." I think my desire to see and do everything is a drug for me too. The adrenaline of life is so exciting and invigorating I can't get enough of it!
It's come to my realization that I have less than one week left on my cross-country
journey. Another chapter in life will be ending soon... But the end of one chapter
leads to the beginning of another, right?! I'm not ready to finish this trip, but I am ready to start preparing for Australia.
Also, I met someone in the hostel in Atlanta who has the same intuition as I do about Australia and is playing around with moving there!
Pics at: