Thursday, August 18, 2005

(Where I am: touring Seattle)
Day #28: Alot of touring was accomplished today. We hit the Boeing 747 plant, Hiram Chittenden Locks, Pike Place Market (for some original Starbucks -- the only coffee I will be driving during this trip!), the Underground Walking tour as well as the Cowgirls Inc (we rode the mechanical bull!) and Chop Suey clubs. Lisa was the ultimate tour guide. It makes me wonder at what point I will be capable of giving tours and if I would be venturing out on my own to do these touristy things in Sydney. At what point will I think of Sydney as being MY city like I think of NYC as MY city now. Would I always consider myself a New Yorker?
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Thanks Karen for making me leave the house! It was a delight having you here and showing you around Seattle. And there was plenty we didn't even get to...
One bit of advice for anyone considering taking the "Underground Walking Tour" - beware of mice, as you may come across them as we did!
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One bit of advice for anyone considering taking the "Underground Walking Tour" - beware of mice, as you may come across them as we did!
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