Saturday, August 27, 2005

(Where I am: San Francisco, California)
Day #37: It was an early hike the entire perimeter of Angel Island morning followed by a sunset kayak around San Fran. My fingers are still pruney. I'm leaving for Yosemite tomorrow morning so don't expect a blog update until I meet Keiko, Arun and Margaret in Vegas on Friday. It will be the longest stretch I've ever spent by myself. I sure hope I don't drive me nutty. I've written off walking the Golden Gate Bridge and getting lost in the labyrinthes of Grace Cathedral. They will have to be my highlights for next time. And next time I may even attempt to look up my long lost dad. Funny, despite my 2 day extension in SF, the thought of my dad only occurred me in these last hours as I review my SF "To Do List".
Pics at: