Saturday, December 31, 2011
2012 Resolutions

Here's my 2012 resolutions list to stay focused on Karen:
- pass the certified emergency nurse exam
- blog at least once a month
- make me a spiffier website
- continue to enrich the world with meetups at least every month
- attend at least 1 toastmasters meeting/month
- pass life guard training
- snowboard at least twice
- see grandma at least once a month
- see mom at least once a month
- make/treat dinner with nieces at least once a month
- finally catch up with cathy, janet, kenny, henrik!!!
- get pregnant for a truly worthy couple or do the SF marathon (July) and Marine Corp DC marathon (October)
- hot yoga, body pump, run at least once every 2 weeks/each
- chicago weekend (wait wait taping, bahai temple)
- find full scholarship opportunities to a uni for george and thaylord
- french lessons
- 10 real push ups
- apply for family nurse practitioner/community health/sustainable development/social entrepreneurship ... something to move me along in some direction
- plan for Australia 2013!!
... and for every one I miss, I will donate $100 to the Clinton Foundation.
Oh! I can't wait for 2012 to start now!!!