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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Make 1000 cranes for Japan Earthquake Relief

On March 16, I decided I wanted to pitch in and do more for the Japan Relief effort. I realized I wanted to send hope for Japan's safety. Unable to sleep at 3a on March 16, I decided to hold a public event during the Help Japan fundraiser at Union Square. I was going to make 1000 cranes with the help of random New Yorkers. It's probably one of the crazier things I have ever done, but also one of the most fulfilling and satisfying as well. It is now 2 days after completion and I am still reeling from the outpouring of kindness and coping from crane-making withdrawal. Maybe I should have gone for 10,000 cranes...

Full coverage on Facebook:!/album.php?aid=67976&id=178727572143931&fbid=210312368985451

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