Although we were at one of the nicest areas atop a mountain top today for clinic, we didn't get to enjoy much of Fondwa. Since the community is very isolated, we were the only health service around. Many children had high fevers with suspect malaria, one woman had a huge weeping breast mass/wound/botched masectomy, one man did not follow up and left his surgical staples in his arm for a month which allowed skin to start growing around the staples (pictured) and one man walked 30km (6 hours)

to attend our clinic. This is life as usual for the general population in Haiti. If we weren't around, they would have lived with their conditions until they succumbed to it. It makes me fully realize how fortunate I am. I had been complaining about the heat, nasty toilet conditions (pictured is our trek to the reeking port-o-potties which we didn't end up using) and lack of water pressure in the shower at the Mennonite camp. Most Haitians don't even have the opportunity to shower every day. Yet, they still maintain their sparkly white clothes, tidy appearance and smile at the blancs. Haitians are an amazing people.