Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Reflections of Haiti
Upon reflection, the enormity of the destruction and despair in Haiti was so overwhelming most days that it was difficult for me to see any salvation for this country even in the distant future. I still encourage everyone to go to Haiti and volunteer or even just to visit and see first hand the beauty of the country and its people amidst the rubble. But I would like to hope that organizations will start working more closely together with each other and with the Haitians because its the Haitians who need the jobs and its the Haitians who truly have the most invested in their country. In the meantime, to continue helping Haiti, I have been very touched and inspired by the life, charisma and tenacity of a particular 22 year old Haitian (the earthquake left him an orphan as well as head of household of his extended family who have moved in with him) that I am looking to sponsor him to come to the US to continue his law studies so he can someday try to tackle the corruption in his country and make Haiti a bountiful place for the children of his beautiful niece (pictured). I am apprehensive but also eager to embark on this endeavor and hope that I will have the strength and perseverance (and financial support!) of others to see this to fruition because I do sincerely have faith in this individual to make an impact... a much bigger impact than the one month of my volunteer work. Anyone with some insight into this kind of effort? When I get a firm proposal together, I will be looking for financial support - let me know if you want to stay posted.