Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Ayiti Day #7 - WHO health cluster meeting

Had my first taste of organizational relief work as I was requested to go to the WHO Health cluster meeting to represent Heart to Heart International. There were about 15 organizations present including the coordinator we met at the MSF hospital yesterday. The meeting was held in french
so I missed most of it but luckily George, our translator, was with me and he helped me to understand some of it. There is serious intention by a number of organizations to establish themselves in Haiti but seemingly the collaboration effort is at its infancy. Today's talk was about population vaccination (who will do it and who will supply it) and women's health referrals. This is a well-written report from last week's health cluster meeting which I believe is a good reflection of these health cluster meetings: http://primaryendpoint.blogspot.com/2010/06/sobering-meeting-of-who-health-cluster.html There is so much more work to do...