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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ayiti Day #26 - Double Diety Dose Day

I'm not religious but I simply love attending church services because I love being around others who are filled with positive passion. I've gone to Sunday service each of the 4 Sundays I've been in Haiti. So it is befitting that I would spend my last Sunday in Haiti with a 7a AND a 3p service.
Haitians seem to have become more religious since the earthquake as a way to express gratitude for surviving as well as coping with their current lives. The 7a service was held under a large tarp at the entrance steps outside the original collapsed church. Egged on by my friend (and because he stood up to announce that I would say a couple of words), I made my first impromptu speech in front of an audience of 150 Haitians (with him translating). I spoke briefly about being a volunteer nurse working in a mobile health clinic for a month, about the beauty of Haiti, about the even more beautiful Haitians, about how impressed I have been with how hard working the people are and about Surely, by looking towards the future and positive thinking, Haiti can be transformed and rise to be a first world country

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