Thursday, June 03, 2010
Ayiti Day #2 - First day of Haiti work
I spent most of the day in pharmacy counting and dispensing meds with the aid of a translator. Correction. I spent most of today on a medication scavenger hunt. Most children were malnutritioned (vitamins), had skin infections (permetrin) and had fevers (tylenol) and coughs (tylenol cold). Most adult patients had chronic diseases such as hypertension (hctz) and diabetes (metformin). I did do a couple of rocephin and tetanus IM injections though.
I tell you, infection control goes out the window in Haiti. I was only able to do one injection donning gloves (pictured). It was the most clumsy task because my hands immediately started pouring with sweat once I wore the gloves. It was just as difficult to keep my hands in the gloves as it was to grasp the syringe. Yikes! I hope I am not already starting to pick up bad habits!