You can never expect anything to be easy in Haiti. It's just the nature of life here and you learn to accept it. So when we realized that we were low on money (I left most of it in Port-au-Prince) to continue our post-clinic drink purchases at the air-conditioned oasis called "Chou Chou" - its a mini-7-11 type establishment, we decided to set out on a mission to find the closest ATM. Well, we made the biggest ATM run effort ever in mankind. After inquiring at a local bank, we were informed the closest ATM was at Carrefour. Halfway between Leogane and Port-au-Prince, it would take us

at least 2 hours to go and return. With only 2.5 hours to spare after finishing our clinic and before dinner started at 6p, we committed to a rushed silly $40USD decision to rent a tap tap (local spare parts taxi). There was a possibility of the ATM machine being broken or rejecting our cards hence also a possibility we would not even be able to pay for our transport! Luck was on our side. We were able to withdraw money from the ATM AND return on time for dinner with 15 minutes to spare! I need to get me a "New York" lottery ticket tomorrow!