We had a huge number of medical staff today since the BelAire and the Leogane teams joined forces. We were so efficient the group finished the clinic at a record breaking 12:30p. I spent most of the day in triage. Totally unaccustomed to working with infants and children, I tried the best I could to apply my limited pediatric nursing intuition. I found it particularly difficult to hear the heart beat and see the respiratory rate of the infants especially when the sight of an asian freaked some of them out into maniacal wailing. I really enjoyed being able to sleuth a bit into the ailments of these patients and talk to them about NOT forgetting to take their blood pressure pills and drinking enough

water throughout the day. I was definitely overwhelmed at first and got a whole lot more confortable when we finished off with the kids and moved onto adults. Many of the infants had fevers and luckily none came in floppy (as has been the case in the past). Interestingly there has even been cases where a non-parent had gone on the infant line with an infant in tow in order to have themselves be seen sooner! The cunning and resourceful Haitian strikes again!