Oftentimes I wonder if I am truly making a difference to anyone by being here. As a nurse, I don't exactly feel like I am directly affecting the life of anyone. Here, the function of a nurse is mainly that of pharmacy. We read the doctor's order and we give out the meds with a bit of instruction. We hope that the dosage directions are fully understood and they will take the meds appropriately. When we leave the clinic, rubble and garbage are still strewn all over the streets. There are still dirty children, hungry people and homeless families. But today I realized if anything I have new friends in our three Leogane Haitian translators. Today ended our 5 day stint running mobile clinics in the Leogane area. Before parting ways, we spoke about the week and it was very touching to hear how extremely grateful the translators were to have us helping their people. As a team, we have been very effective and hopefully have saved lives and relieved suffering along the way. Our little drops are hopefully one of many in the tidal wave towards creating a better Haiti. I can't wait to return next week!