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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Ayiti Day #1 - Haiti Arrival

I was calm, cool and collected about my Haiti adventure until 1 hour before my boarding time. My head started to spin, my heart to palpitate and my eyes to tear. All of a sudden, I was overwhelmed by the enormity of my commitment to providing effective nursing care in a disaster area when I was still a green nurse. But the reception I had at my new home in Haiti (the Maison) made me feel so wanted that already I knew that 4 weeks would still not be enough.
Amongst the sea of chaos at the new temporary Port-au-Prince air terminal, Shari (the Maison manager) screamed 'Karen' and gave me the biggest welcoming hug. I was then quickly hussled to our car, introduced to Herven (the driver) and Cheryl (an volunteer RN who after 3 days seems to know everything already). At the luxurious Maison, I met Susan, Jenny, Denise, Rich, Josh and Randy. Dinner was of scrumptious rice and beans, salad and plaintains prepared by the Haitian cooks. I was in Haitian paradise. I even had 30 minutes of internet before it was cut off!
I am still nervous about my first day of work tomorrow. As I drift asleep to the hum of the 4 big fans in girls' dorm room, I remain anxious in my ability to muster up enough nursing skills to help our patients.

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