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Monday, June 21, 2010

Ayiti Day#20 - It's not fair

Imagine feeling obligated to go to work because you fear that you may not get paid or that you may get laid off. The father of one of our translators died yesterday and although I pleaded him to go home and be with his family, he refused for fear that he would not get paid. Our translators get $20/day. That's peanuts for us, but a family's full week of meals in Haiti. He cannot afford to not be paid. Imagine not being able to grieve and forced to work. I would not be able to cope. What huge sacrifices Haitians make to survive.
(Pictured is the process of adding credit to my cellphone. You need to hunt down the person who is the designated credit seller and he will transfer credits from his phone to yours for a fee. What a concept!)

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