We only wanted pastries to top our Boston excursion off before I left in 2 hours at 5pm. Both Mike's and Modern were packed to the rafters with a line around the block. Ajay recalled Maria's Pastry Shop (which also sold pizza) at the edge of the North End and that was where we settled for a cannoli, a cake and a chocolate nut roll. Erika kindly offered some of the chocolate nut roll to a couple sitting next to us and all of a sudden the three of us are swept into their car for a quick random-act-of-kindness-1-hour zip through of the Boston area. The couple was super kind and generous and even got me to the bus station with 15 minutes to spare!
The law of attraction is real. I've been trying to actively live my life looking at the glass half full these last couple of years. The world is a whole lot sweeter, the air is alot fresher and life is more delicious than ever before!