Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ok. Ok. Fine. I'm taking YET another break from uni work.
To keep you up-to-date with my recent distractions (as you may want to do some of your own), here are my latest distractions:
- Pirates of the Carribean 3 -- if you are looking for a LOOoOOOng break. Pretty convoluted story but make sure you stay post-credits for a bit of extra (10 years later) musing.
- Science of Sleep -- the director of "Eternal Sunshine" fame makes a creative film about the realities (and alternate realities) of a dreamer. I loved that the French, English and Spanish languages were intertwined in the movie adding to its imaginative flair. The movie was silly and deep at the same time and reminded me of the twisted Twin Peaks world, but was not as disturbing.
- Line Rider -- The creators of this 'game' used real-world physics to program the sledder's every movement. It's AMAZING! Don't forget to watch some of the movies for further inspiration.
- You Don't You Jack -- I remember this game from my first uni days, do you? Well, it's A LOT funnier and entertaining now. Sadly, I think I know less now than before. For a quickie, this is the funniest one yet!
- The Capsules -- My medical science (I sit in on the Monday sessions to further my anatomy knowledge) teacher popped this on during class break. It's quite relaxing music and really helps me to concentrate while essay writing. There's only three songs online...
- -- Ed introduced me to this wonderful site that combines all the chat programs into ONE login and ONE screen. Now, I just have to find more NON-google chat people to add to my list...
- Google maps street view -- Here's some cnet detail. Would be cool if they let us submit our own pics. A significant amount of NYC is covered (I can even see Bar89!). Looks like someone woke up REALLY early to take these pics coz the streets are empty! Alot of the pics are fairly fuzzy. They probably took the pics from a speeding van.
- Webware Top 100 -- If you want to waste a WHOLE HEAP of time, most of the sites here contain content that are very innovative and ... FREE!
Hey. I gotta get back to work. Happy surfing! See you back after June 13th...
Google map popped this up when I went to look at the Times Square street view. Anyone gone yet??? :)