Thursday, November 01, 2007
Uni Toilet Perv
During assignment season, I'm typically isolated in front of a computer in the open area of Tower 1 Level 5 of my uni. The closest bathroom is one on the other side of the floor. It's in a pretty central location and used frequently by female students. Today, I must've picked a particularly quiet part of the morning to relieve myself because aside from one other girl washing her hands, I was seemingly the only other occupant of the female bathroom facility. I enjoy taking the middle stall of the three stall bay (as shown on the right side of the photo) because typically noone would want to go into a stall next to one being used.
Well, while I was relieving myself, I noticed the shadow cast by the neighboring stall door flicker. Seemingly someone moved into the stall next to mine stealthily. Suspicious, I quickly "finished my duty" and stood quietly waiting for "toilet noise". There was no noise in the bathroom. As I flushed the toilet, I took a quick sneak peek under the stall wall and noticed a pile of clothes as if my neighbor was wearing those 80s MC Hammer parachute pants. I stood in front of the stall door trying to peer through the slit between the two stalls but was unable to discern a human form. (I think he was trying to act like a pile of clothes.)
I told my girlfriend, Lydia, about it and she went to suss out the situation herself. Sure enough, he followed her as she hopped from one stall to another. When she came back with her report, I quickly went down to security to report the intruder. But when we arrived at the bathroom, the cleaning lady (who had just arrived 5 minutes prior) revealed that the culprit fled just as she arrived. I was disappointed that the criminal was allowed to escape but glad that he was probably caught on video. Apparently, someone had been caught perving in this same toilet earlier in the year. He had used a camera phone to take pictures and posted them on the internet. I am sickened to think that he might have a picture of me with my pants down on the internet... but also curious how much it would fetch.
Regardless, it was a horrible violating act. It's a shame that along with information, the computer age also brings with it easier illegal access to people's lives. I think this easier access to pornography has created more pedophiles and pushed more borderline silent sexual fiends over the edge. It's a very sad world indeed.
I've told my brother about this incident. He actually admitted that he's taught my nieces (3 and 1 yr old) how to "hit where it hurts". Additionally, he is planning to have my nieces take self-defence. Not sure if everyone's heard this story about a little girl who was raped and murdered in a public mall toilet in Perth last year... It's worth a read if you have children.