Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Although the name contest has past, I decided to give the new burger a go anyway since I love being the first in line for everything. Believe it or not, it was quite good. Probably for the first time in fast food history, the patty was not just a slab of ground meat. Rather it was meat marinated with a variety of veg (red onion, spring onion, parsley, tomato paste). I mean the veg was integrated into the meat! You could actually see chunks of veg! Despite the seemingly more substantial portions of veg, it fairs worse in kJ/calories (2130kJ/508 Cal), than a Big Mac (2010kJ/480Cal) but better than a Quarter Pounder with Cheese (2300kJ/549 Cal).
Probable Final Boring Name: McHomestyle
Elmer Fudd Name: Hambuwgew
Sophisticated Name: Le Dijon Marinade
Pirate Name: O' Mc Jolly Arr!
Gangsta Name: Yo, burga!
True Name: Did they just test this on the Oz Market to make sure this combination won't cause explosive diarrhea burger
BTW, do check out the Australia Maccas site (http://www.mcdonalds.com.au/ - broadband). I haven't seen anything like it and it's the best McDonald's website in the world (We checked out UK, Germany, France, US, Hong Kong, Yugoslavia, Japan).