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Monday, March 26, 2007

Have you seen the movie Blood Diamond? We have it at home. Just watched it.

I knew what to expect of it but watched it anyway since everyone in the house was raving about it.

It was VERY good and I think Leonardo DiCaprio has really grown as a sophisticated actor (he's my age!) but it makes me totally sick to my stomach that this ever occured in the past and probably is still happening now. I'd always thought it absurd that a relationship committment can only ever be deemd sacred with a diamond ring. Why not a love poem or a song composed from the heart? If the love was that pure why does it matter what rock you get to teather you to this man? Although the ending was a somewhat spritely one, I'm still quite bothered by the events. It makes me think about what some people told me before I left the US -- that my hopes to help would be unfounded. And although just helping one person would be sufficient for me, my dreams to go work in third world countries has lately become one of great concern for me. Maybe it's because as I grow older, I physically feel more mortal and progressively more frail. I'm not sure if I am really prepared to witness and experience the horrors of their daily lives. I hope I will be capable of being strong for me ... for them.

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