Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Considering the lifestyle I lead, I would think my injuries would be adventure related. Who would have thought I would sustain an injury on a flat night Indian dinner outing? This goes to show the point I have been trying to make to my mom the last 32 years of my life -- eatting anything with bone cannot be a good thing. Boneless fillet all the way, baby! It's not a serious injury, just a splitting of one of my most favorite molars (actually, I love ALL of them!). Out of pure luck, the tooth is split down the middle. Extraction may be my only option. The pain is bareable so long as I remain conscience about not chewing on that side of my mouth but I would assume would exacerbate in due time as more crap creaps into the crevice. Even the xrays showed my tooth was perfectly normal! I guess I should be expecting unexplanable deterioration as I age. First my thyroid, now molar 15. What next? It's the last tooth in my smile line too. Hopefully this doesn't mean I will be smiling less. The tooth fairy better be generous with me!!
Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/72157594342162803/