What's Karen Up To Calendar

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I started my second job this evening working behind a bar island in level 1 aisle 131 at Telstra Stadium. To say the least, I was excited about trying something new, pouring beer and ringing the cash registers. It was the most exhausting and most difficult 4 hours I've ever worked. I stood from 5:30pm to 9:30pm and sold $2000 of beer, wine, soda and chips. People cursed at me when I couldn't sell them trays for their beer because we had run out. Many came repeatedly making me wonder if they were at the stadium to get pissed or to watch the game. Sadly, I didn't get to watch the game at all. I assumed we had won since people left the stadium elated. Maybe I can be upgraded to hot dog duty next time since apparently reeking of beer is worse than reeking of cigarettes.
Game Details:

Juse came from a busy day celebrating Dave's wedding. We lost another good man to the evil dark side called matrimony.
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