Friday, December 01, 2006

Andy's our newest flatmate. He's shy so I'll call him A instead. :)
He's from the UK and has been on a quest to discover himself. His tactic is to deprive himself of things with the hope that it would expose whatever it is that should be important to him. What has he done? He's a vegan, a recently declared non-alcoholic drinker, and for today --- a mute. He decided not to say a word at all. So it was quite difficult for me to extract suggestions from him of his 3 month New Zealand trip!
Believe it or not, he sat at V's computer across from me and typed away on gmail talk while I verbally asked him questions. We conversed in this manner for about 2 hours. The conversation deviated at times and I must say was my most indepth conversation with Andy thus far. It made me realize that I don't spend much time thinking before I speak and -- as Andy has pointed out - have many an unnecessary conversation. Mind you, I still value all the conversations and interactions I have, but the ones where I get to stop and not think impulsively (like the one way conversations I have on my blog) just seems to churn my deteriorating brain a bit more.
Inspired by A, as I left the house to go pick up the day's paper at uni, I closed my eyes and walked for a block. As there was a busy road next to me, my hearing instantaneously heightened and all my body muscles tightened in anticipation of either walking into traffic, falling off the curb, slipping on a banana peel (nah, that wouldn't happen. Bananas are still $10+/kg!) or slamming into a street lamp. None of them happened and I opened by eyes one cement street square away from the curb (yeah, I chickened out). Although I felt vulnerable, I actually also felt superhuman (from the heightened senses). Amazing!