Thursday, August 24, 2006

So I am a detox dropout... Out of 10 days I was only able to endure 4. I tell ya, it totally drained me and worse yet, it made my mood swing. Imagine a moody and tired Karen! What is the world to become?! My diet was limited to no meats aside from fish (tuna, salmon) and chicken, brown rice, leafy veggies, carrots, chick peas ... and NO candy, salt nor peanut butter. Everything tasted SO bland. I set the detox aside when Natalie organized a gettogether after class and Andreas, Florian and I decided to head to the Blue Mountains for the weekend. The hard part was not just that everything tasted like cardboard (and that I had alot of gas in my bowels -- ask the entire Pharmacology class when my bowels hollared in protest!) but that I was missing out on unique experiences. I knew I wouldn't be able to have fun if I restricted myself in anyway... Apparently Bob had fun with my boobs too. Yikes! Can anyone tell me the truth of what happened Thursday night? So instead I've decided to eat as healthily as I can outside of special occassions as part of my healthy campaign and also in an effort to be more money-minded.