Sunday, August 20, 2006

I survived! I did a 46 hour famine (I'm a sucker for extra credit). The starvation part was actually quite easy. My stomach growled at hour 13, but then quickly learned whining was of no use and kept silent for the duration of the starvation. My biggest issue was the frustration experienced when new food was presented. My "try everything once" attitude had to be quelched and suffocated. It was quite a painful, torturous feeling. I've come to realize I snack WAY too often (I ALMOST ate a piece of bread at hour 4!) and routinely schedule my life around food (I actually asked my roommate what she wanted for dinner when I, myself, was not going to be eating anything). Even at the 46th hour, I wasn't paining to eat. I gave in to eating only because I wanted to start my 10 day detox sooner so I could look forward to Florian's lasagna dinner next Wednesday evening!
(NB: I must confess I did have two beers at hour 24. I do feel guilty about it... but it did bring to light a peculiarity. Despite having NOTHING in my stomach, I did not get buzzed from the drinks AT ALL. Interestingly enough, I DID feel buzzed and flushed after I finished my post-famine dinner! Who can explain that to me?!)
40 hour famine info: