Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Holy hail! I thought being in Sydney would just be fun and good weather! Around 4:30pm, Natalie came by to pick up books and review the in-dwelling catheter procedure. I think we were at the "wiping" bit when pitter patter noise erupted around us. I thought it was from the livingroom as the guys were watching Snatch. Then Natalie noticed pellets popping off the window sill. When we walked to the backyard it was littered with ice pellets! I saved one in our freezer just in case I ever felt winter-sick. It makes me comfy to think we experienced a "real" winter.
Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/72157594237946431/
BTW, the new Miami Vice movie is a thumbs down. What happened to you, Michael Mann? No white clothes nor Miami Vice theme. You could have called this movie any other name.
Blah... hail storms are common in Sydney... they just usually start in September... http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/winter-suddenly-wallops-sydney/2006/08/15/1155407798255.html