Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Two weeks of midterm studying and paper writing really dropped me out of the web surfing circuit. Might be old news but discovered a couple of interesting tidbits today: - Apparently there's money for everyone... except those who have $0 income... like me... Better get my butt into gear! - internet tv... I think I'm hooked on the emusic channel... I haven't seen music videos in 6 months! I've attached a picture of my messed up screen as well. Too much studying has burned my laptop as well! No more schlepping my laptop around anywhere... - All you bloggers out there, unite on July 29th! I hear this is a fun event... details will be up soon. - I'd love to be the first on this! - Stargate SG-1 has entered the television record books. According to Los Angeles Museum of Television and Radio Library Supervisor Martin Gostanian, it is now the “longest-running, scripted, made-for-cable television series in U.S. broadcasting history.” I haven't caught a show. Has anyone else??? - Japanese TV show where contestants are punished for laughing,10117,18975996-36398,00.html/ - Letting the fat get fatter... Only in America...
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I've watched Stargate on and off, it currently has two characters from Farscape, which feautured a lot of Australians (such as Claudia Black).
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