Tuesday, May 30, 2006

In an attempt to be more Chinese, I've decided to learn some Chinese - Mandarin, in particular. While surfing the net, I stumbled upon http://www.chinesepod.com. It's an amazing free daily podcast of lessons from Shanghai. I've taken the extra step to pay $40/yr to get the PDFs of the lessons so I can start recognizing words. At any rate, the interesting thing about today's podcast is their statement of following:
With every 4th child born in the world being Chinese-there’s a good chance you’ll meet a few. In this newbie lesson, we help you ask not only about names of new “peng you”, but other information that might just get you an invite to that “famous restaurant” in town (word of warning: they all are famous).
So I decided to do some investigative research and although I have not discovered any validity to that statement, I did find EarthTrends' 2005 Data Table of Demographic Indicators. Interesting things to note are:
Average Number of Children per Woman in China is 1.8 (I thought there was a one child policy...)
Average Number of Children per Woman in the US is 1.9
Average Number of Children per Woman in Australia is 1.8
Average Number of Children per Woman in Niger is 8.0 (highest)
Average Number of Children per Woman in Trinidad/Tobago is 1.5 (lowest)
Singapore is the most dense country at: 6755ppl/sq km
Namibia and Mongolia are the least dense country at: 2ppl/sq km
You can analyze the rest yourself: http://earthtrends.wri.org/pdf_library/data_tables/pop2_2003.pdf