Sunday, May 21, 2006

How ironic that as I am studying pathophysiology (and cardiac diseases such as atherosclerosis), I am sent a picture of my 1.5 yr old niece chomping away at a fatty piece of pork dubbed her pork-cicle. Very cute and very yummy, of course, but it makes me wonder if Gwen's (my niece) generation will succumb to McDs (referred to as Maccas here) as well. Believe it or not, there is a McDeli in Sydney that serves Subway-like sandwiches. I have yet to try one, but they certainly look more appetizing than the burgers. I hope they get to the US soon.
Certainly don't let any kids know about this article:,10117,18975996-36398,00.html
Also, what will the 00' kids be known as? Generation Z? Will Gwen be a kipper? Will she crave Malono Blaniks? I wonder if this only applies to Oz...
Thanks Mark for a more disgusting update than the Maccas one above: