Sunday, April 02, 2006

It's true when they say: A friend in need is a friend in deed. Surely Brian is a friend in deed indeed! He practically carried me a mile home after a drunken night at the Imperial Hotel. No cabs would take us because I was in such a horrible state. I was in a worse state this morning... afternoon actually, when I woke up. Nothing tasted good and my head was pounding.
Thanks Brian for being patient, sitting with me for 2 hours on the curb waiting for me to sober up, dealing with my spew (ew!), getting me safely home, getting me into bed, taking off my shoes... I'm sure there is more since I blacked out so often.
I've only been in Sydney for 3 months yet I feel totally at home. I've been too lucky to meet the perfect people. Maybe it's Sydney...
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Ok, I am going to sound like your mother. You shouldn’t drink until you are drunk. I hope you are drinking to celebrate and not because of sadness. Glad to hear you have such a good friend around.
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