Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I pulled a muscle in my shin last Monday whilst in hip hop dance class (yeah, I said "hip hop dance class") and have been limping since. It's been a bother to deal with the pain, a greater bother to smell like my grandfather (housemates gave me vaporub), yet not quite as big a bother to finally walk slowly in my new found home. I'd been concerned that I may not heal in time for my trip to Tasmania tomorrow- which I probably won't be- but Brian has offered to carry me and I am sure he can do it! In any case, for once I wasn't rushing around to do this or that but took time to wait for the traffic lights to change, looked at the stores around the neighborhood and admired the pretty people. I seriously think the people here are prettier. Most people are quite slim and fit. It gives me encouragement to get fit again. The sizes here don't help with self-esteem either. In the states, I'm a size 4, but here I'm a size 10. Damn! ...Tassie here I come!
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I'd hate to think what the average American would be if you are a size 10 over there! 25? Take lots of pictures is Tassie!
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