Sunday, January 22, 2006

Friends I got to meet from one of Ed's NY Greeter tours took me around today. Thanks Qi Ling and Brendan!
I seem to be in one of those 'new boyfriend' phases where you spend alot of time comparing your new boyfriend to your previous boyfriends. Things were never that bad before but you just had to move on from Mr. Ex. Now this new Mr. Romance is pretty cool and comforting yet not the same. (I'm speaking figuratively, of course! My goal here is to get my degree!)
Funny, I have alot of guidebooks, but no Lonely Planet (my Bible!) for Sydney. I'm grasping to be as comfortable here as I was in New York. I know, I know, it just takes time. It's EXTREMELY comforting to know though despite all the healthy nut stuff that goes on in this city, the McDonalds here serves FRIED apple pies. My favorite!
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