What's Karen Up To Calendar

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I guess I've always been in a Christian country for Christmas. Life today seemed particularly BLAH. I fully expected no hoopla but apparently there is an internal clock within me hankering for just a bit of caroling, lights, presents... the little things that makes Christmas such a happy time for so many. The bombardment of lights gave me an other-worldly loving warmth feeling that was lacking today... never thought I'd say that.
We did do something different today (as if every day is not different, right?). Maggie's family gave her about $200US to buy food for the shanti towns in our area. These people live in huts covered with old clothes and a dirt floor. It's an extremely difficult life. Maggie and I spent the morning at a store repackaging rice so we can distribute them in 5kg bags. Ultimately, the $200US was able to get 60 bags of: 5kg rice, chili bags, 1kg dahl, 1kg lentils, 1kg salt. AND she STILL has money left over! It was difficult to tell who we handed provisions to since everyone wore rags and were dirty but they seemed grateful nonetheless. Hopefully their Christmas day (even though they had no idea why we chose today to do this) is a little happier. Thanks Maggie for making the day happen and giving so many a little magical Christmas spirit!
We'll be swinging by the Mother Teresa orphanage for Xmas mass tonight. That should definitely satiate my Christmas hunger!
What'd you do for Christmas? I need to live vicariously through someone!
Merry Christmas... I mean, HAPPY CHRISTMAS (that's what they say here) to all and to all a good night!

Who is Maggie?

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