Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Who would have thought raffling a fully functional car for $5 would be soooo difficult? Without much effort on my part, Kevin bought 3 tickets, Karen bought 3 tickets, Wally bought 3 tickets (then later upped to 4 tickets to be more competitive). At Washington Square Park, noone from craigslist showed up and everyone thought we were scamming until we arrived at Mike who lazying around with his friends. He knew his friend was looking for a car and put in $5 easily. Another 20 minutes of trying to reason with the sceptical public, even Keiko and Chandru pitied the game and chipped in their $5. At 7:35pm, the drawing was held. A complete stranger was asked to pull the winning ticket... and Keiko, the non-licensed, non-driver won! Without much reason to own a car, Keiko approached Mike and asked him to empty his pockets. Mike had $6, then scrounged around and found another dollar. For $7 and the promise of 2 crepes (Mike works at the crepery by the park), Whitey was sold.
As we waited for Jon, the friend Mike bought the car for, to show up, we had another dilemma... how to remove my license plates without a screwdriver. The front plates were easy. Keiko removed them with a penny. The back plates were Philips screws requiring us to solicit again. After about 15 minutes, we found someone with a Swiss army knife and pried my plates out.
Jon arrived shortly after and disclosed his intentions for the car. He was going to drive cross-country to LA and back. I relayed my sceptism but he was determined. As if by fate, we are going to be on the road at about the same time (he's starting later). So, we exchanged numbers in the event something happened to Whitey and I would try to swing by and pick him up.
How ironic only one stranger was willing to buy my car for $5. And how ironic this one person WAS the perfect person.
For pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/livealittle/sets/613643/