Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Day #5: After much research and coupon hunting, we find a reasonable hotel with clean towels AND INTERNET! I surfed and emailed until I passed out. Chicago was alot bigger and more congested than I expected. We had a nerve to even drive into the city. Liang had to back up an entire block when he spied someone leaving a spot. Luckily I brought the quarters saved up for laundry as we had to use 8 to meter our spot for 2 hours. The Pizzaria Uno experience was a close one. The pizza is made to order so we had to order when we arrived since it takes 45 minutes to prepare (be aware when you go!). We were called for seating with only 45 minutes left on the meter. It makes me wonder how packed the place becomes on a nice day. During our meal time, Chicago was being hit by a rain storm. We only had 7 minutes left on the meter by the time we rushed back to the car. See, we need to keep under
the police radar from now on coz our rental only covers us for the NE for unlimited miles...
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