Sunday, July 31, 2005

Day #10: Alot of sights today. Amazing what inspires people and propels them to accomplish such massive tasks like carving Mount Rushmore, carving Crazy Horse and travelling the harsh South Dakota wastelands. If you could experience a place and time for 24 hours, where and when would you go? ... I'm still deciding... There has been so many amazing people and times...
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Hi Karen,
Looks like a great trip so far. Can't believe nobody left any comments yet. I read your itinerary. You might want to go from Vancouver to Victoria, then to Seattle. My sister just came back from Crater Lake. She said it’s beautiful. Make sure to bring your bathing suit and swim in it.
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Looks like a great trip so far. Can't believe nobody left any comments yet. I read your itinerary. You might want to go from Vancouver to Victoria, then to Seattle. My sister just came back from Crater Lake. She said it’s beautiful. Make sure to bring your bathing suit and swim in it.
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